Select query to retrieve distinct email address

  • I have a huge table with firstnames, lastnames, email address and unique ID associated with every record. Some email addresses are identical, so i need to select distinct email address along with First and Last names.HOW DO I DO THIS ... PLEASE HELP

  • select distinct firstname

    , lastname

    , email

    from table b

    If you need to remove duplicates, then you want a subquery that basically matches up the minimum ID (or max id) for each email.

    Try it and post some code.

    Steve Jones

  • select *

    from tb t1

    where id=(select min(id) --or max

    from tb t2




    Rac v2.1 Public Beta RELEASED.

  • Thankyou. I found it easier to do the querying from Visual Basic. Just grouped the data by Email field. Compared ist record with the next record. If email matched, then skipped record else inserted it into a new table which now listed all non duplicate email addresses.

    VB Code is given below

    While Not rs.EOF

    sEmailCurrent = CheckString(rs("Email"))

    If (Len(sEmailOld) = Len(sEmailCurrent)) And (InStr(1, UCase(sEmailCurrent), UCase(sEmailOld)) > 0) Then ' if length of previous email is equal to current email

    sEmailOld = CheckString((sEmailCurrent))

    iPersonID = rs("Person_ID")

    sLastName = CheckString(rs("LastName"))

    sFirstName = CheckString(rs("FirstName"))

    rs.MoveNext 'Dont insert and Move to Next Record


    ' New email address does not match previous record. so insert into TempEmailFinal table

    sEmailOld = CheckString(sEmailCurrent)

    iPersonID = rs("Person_ID")

    sFirstName = CheckString(rs("FirstName"))

    sLastName = CheckString(rs("LastName"))

    rs.MoveNext 'Move to Next Record

    sSql = "Insert Into TempEmailFinal(Person_ID, LastName, FirstName, Email) Values(" & iPersonID & ", '" & sLastName & "', '" & sFirstName & "', '" & sEmailOld & "');"

    m_oConn.Execute (sSql)

    End If



    select distinct firstname

    , lastname

    , email

    from table b

    If you need to remove duplicates, then you want a subquery that basically matches up the minimum ID (or max id) for each email.

    Try it and post some code.

    Steve Jones

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