Cross Joins??

  • Ok, i'm not sure about the best way to explain this but here goes. I have a report. Currently it shows:


    I am showing this data for several weeks so I have a bit or repetition


    Joe Blow|1/10/2003|data1|data2|data3|

    Joe Blow|1/17/2003|data1|data2|data3|

    Joe Blow|2/07/2003|data1|data2|data3|

    while this isn't exactly the way I want this print I can deal with it. However because i'm pulling this data from two tables I have a problem. Currently i'm joing two tables, Reps and RepAppts. I need to show ALL of the reps for a certain Mgr and all of the appts for that rep. My problem is every rep doesn't have an appt in RepAppts and if they do they many only have appts for 2 of the weekends in the query.

    My question: How do I show ALL of the reps and ALL of the weekends.


    Joe Blow|1/10/2003|data1|data2|data3|

    Joe Blow|1/17/2003|data1|data2|data3|

    Joe Blow|2/07/2003|data1|data2|data3|

    Bob Blow|1/10/2003|null|null|null|

    Bob Blow|1/17/2003|data1|data2|data3|

    Bob Blow|2/07/2003|null|null|null|

    so far I have this:

    SELECT (dbo.Reps.[Last] + ', ' + dbo.Reps.[First]) as repname, dbo.RepWeeklyApp.Made1st, dbo.RepWeeklyApp.Kept1st, dbo.RepWeeklyApp.PGs, dbo.RepWeeklyApp.MS,

    dbo.RepWeeklyApp.Made2nd, dbo.RepWeeklyApp.Kept2nd, dbo.RepWeeklyApp.Closed2nd, dbo.RepWeeklyApp.LastEditDate,

    dbo.RepWeeklyApp.RegManager, @weekend as 'weekend'


    dbo.RepWeeklyApp ON dbo.Reps.ID = dbo.RepWeeklyApp.RepID

    where reps.regmanager=@mgr and (@weekend = weekend or weekend is null) and dateterminated is null order by last </code>

    this gives me exactly what I need however instead of doing this for one weekend I need to be able to put in a date range

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • I wrote this prior to reading you entire post. I'm sure my table structure does not match yours. But possible some pivot table query like this might work for you. If not please disregard this post that does not really match your situation.

    create table Reps (id int, name char(20))

    create table RepAppts(id int, apptdate datetime, appt char(10))

    insert into reps values (1,'Joe Blow')

    insert into reps values (2,'Bob Blow')

    insert into reps values (3,'Steve Blow')

    insert into RepAppts values(1,'1/10/2003','data1')

    insert into RepAppts values(1,'1/10/2003','data2')

    insert into RepAppts values(1,'1/10/2003','data3')

    insert into RepAppts values(1,'1/17/2003','data1')

    insert into RepAppts values(1,'1/17/2003','data2')

    insert into RepAppts values(1,'1/17/2003','data3')

    insert into RepAppts values(1,'2/07/2003','data1')

    insert into RepAppts values(1,'2/07/2003','data2')

    insert into RepAppts values(1,'2/07/2003','data3')

    insert into RepAppts values(3,'1/10/2003','data1')

    insert into RepAppts values(3,'1/17/2003','data1')

    insert into RepAppts values(3,'1/17/2003','data2')

    -- declare variables

    declare @p char(1000)

    declare @i datetime

    declare @cnta int

    declare @cntr int

    declare @m int

    declare @wd datetime

    declare @id int

    declare @name char(20)

    set @p = ''

    select @cnta=count(distinct apptdate) from RepAppts

    select @cntr=count(distinct id) from Reps

    -- set @m to the first id number

    set @m = 1

    set @i = 1

    select top 1 @wd = apptdate from (select distinct(apptdate) from RepAppts) a

    select top 1 @id = id from Reps

    while @i < = @cntr


    -- Process until no more items

    while @m <= @cnta


    -- string together all items with a comma between

    select @p = rtrim(@p) + '|'+ appt

    from RepAppts a

    where apptdate = @wd and id = @id

    select @name = name from Reps where id =@id

    -- print detail row

    print @name + '|' + convert(char(10),@wd,101) + '|' + rtrim(substring(@p,2,len(@p)))

    -- increment id number

    set @m = @m + 1

    set @p = ''

    select top 1 @wd = apptdate from (select distinct(apptdate) from RepAppts) a where apptdate > @wd


    set @i = @i+1

    set @m = 1

    select top 1 @wd = apptdate from (select distinct(apptdate) from RepAppts) a

    select top 1 @id = id from Reps where id > @id


    drop table Reps, RepAppts

    Gregory Larsen, DBA

    If you looking for SQL Server Examples check out my website at

    Gregory A. Larsen, MVP

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