can you show me a better way of doing this...?

  • I have this procedure and this ugly way is the only way i can think of doing it, since there is not switch statement in sql (or is there?) To make matters worse the last option --updating or inserting into the Gi column does not work. Please help me!

    CREATE PROCEDURE spUpdateLookupTable

    @Isbn nvarchar(10),

    @uvalue int,

    @fieldName nvarchar(50)


    Declare @isbnCount int

    Select @isbnCount=Count(Isbn) FROM BOOKLOOKUP WHERE Isbn=@Isbn

    if @isbnCount>0

    if @fieldName='Reviews'

    Update BOOKLOOKUP set Reviews=@uvalue WHERE Isbn=@Isbn

    else if @fieldName='Summary'

    Update BOOKLOOKUP set Summary=@uvalue WHERE Isbn=@Isbn

    else if @fieldName='Characters'

    Update BOOKLOOKUP set Characters=@uvalue,Gi=1 WHERE Isbn=@Isbn

    else if @fieldName='Topics'

    Update BOOKLOOKUP set Topics=@uvalue,Gi=1 WHERE Isbn=@Isbn

    else if @fieldName='Series'

    Update BOOKLOOKUP set Series=@uvalue,Gi=1 WHERE Isbn=@Isbn

    else if @fieldName='Genre'

    Update BOOKLOOKUP set Genre=@uvalue,Gi=1 WHERE Isbn=@Isbn

    else if @fieldName='Period'

    Update BOOKLOOKUP set Period=@uvalue,Gi=1 WHERE Isbn=@Isbn

    else if @fieldName='Setting'

    Update BOOKLOOKUP set Setting=@uvalue,Gi=1 WHERE Isbn=@Isbn

    else if @fieldName='Awards'

    Update BOOKLOOKUP set Awards=@uvalue,Gi=1 WHERE Isbn=@Isbn

    else if @fieldName='Toc'

    Update BOOKLOOKUP set Toc=@uvalue WHERE Isbn=@Isbn

    else if @fieldName='Excerpt'

    Update BOOKLOOKUP set Excerpt=@uvalue WHERE Isbn=@Isbn

    else if @fieldName='Anotes'

    Update BOOKLOOKUP set Anotes=@uvalue WHERE Isbn=@Isbn

    else if @fieldName='test'

    Update BOOKLOOKUP set Gi=@uvalue where Isbn=@Isbn


    if @fieldName='Reviews'

    Insert into BOOKLOOKUP (ISBN,Reviews) VALUES(@Isbn,@uvalue)

    else if @fieldName='Summary'

    Insert into BOOKLOOKUP(ISBN,Summary)VALUES(@Isbn,@uvalue)

    else if @fieldName='Characters'

    Insert into BOOKLOOKUP(ISBN,Characters,Gi)VALUES(@Isbn,@uvalue,1)

    else if @fieldName='Topics'

    Insert into BOOKLOOKUP(ISBN,Topics,Gi) VALUES(@Isbn,@uvalue,1)

    else if @fieldName='Series'

    Insert into BOOKLOOKUP(ISBN,Series,Gi) VALUES(@Isbn,@uvalue,1)

    else if @fieldName='Genre'

    Insert into BOOKLOOKUP(ISBN,Genre,Gi) VALUES(@Isbn,@uvalue,1)

    else if @fieldName='Period'

    Insert into BOOKLOOKUP(ISBN,Period,Gi) VALUES(@Isbn,@uvalue,1)

    else if @fieldName='Setting'

    Insert into BOOKLOOKUP(ISBN,Setting,Gi) VALUES(@Isbn,@uvalue,1)

    else if @fieldName='Awards'

    Insert into BOOKLOOKUP(ISBN,Awards,Gi) VALUES(@Isbn,@uvalue,1)

    else if @fieldName='Toc'

    Insert into BOOKLOOKUP(ISBN,Toc) VALUES(@Isbn,@uvalue)

    else if @fieldName='Excerpt'

    Insert into BOOKLOOKUP(ISBN,Excerpt) VALUES(@Isbn,@uvalue)

    else if @fieldName='Anotes'

    Insert into BOOKLOOKUP(ISBN,Anotes) VALUES(@Isbn,@uvalue)

    else if @fieldName='test'

    Insert into BOOKLOOKUP(Isbn,Gi) VALUES(@Isbn,@uvalue)


  • One thing you might consider is a case statement:

    update BOOKLOOKUP

    set Reviews =


    when @field = 'Reviews# then @uvalue

    else [Reviews] /* set to the same value - ie do not update */



    where ....

    I guess you can use a similar statement for the inserts.


  • Thanks, will try that.

  • -- I would use dynamic SQL

    -- Just take the PRINT statement out when you are done testing

    -- Good Luck!

    CREATE PROCEDURE spUpdateLookupTable

    @Isbn nvarchar(10),

    @uvalue int,

    @fieldName nvarchar(50)


    Declare @isbnCount int, @sSQL varchar(2000)

    Select @isbnCount=Count(Isbn) FROM BOOKLOOKUP WHERE Isbn=@Isbn

    if @isbnCount>0

    SET @sSQL = 'Update BOOKLOOKUP set [' + @fieldName + '] = ' + CONVERT(varchar, @uvalue) + ' WHERE Isbn= ''' + @Isbn + ''''


    SET @sSQL = 'Insert into BOOKLOOKUP (ISBN, [' + @fieldName + ']) VALUES(''' + @Isbn + ''', ' + CONVERT(varchar, @uvalue) + ')'


    EXEC (@sSQL)


  • Thanks CColson, That's what i ended up using.

    I actually tried it before but for one reason or another could not get it to work so i went with the long version as listed above.

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