Field Meta Data by Table

  • Here's something I frequently stick in small development DBs when I'm on a new project. It gives me an easily queriable table so I don't have to putz with the mouse, but can get a list of field names I don't have to type out - I'm rather lazy about typing stuff, but habitually use long self explanatory naming conventions.

    I also use it a lot when I am looking for design rules I put on myself - .NET is case sensitive so it's helpful to make sure the field ShippingMethodID is always the same and not ShippingmethodID, I can query to see which tables do not have identity columns, etc.

    drop procedure MakeFieldMetaData


    create procedure MakeFieldMetaData as

    --select * into FieldMetaData001 from FieldMetaData

    if exists(select * from sysobjects where id=object_ID('dbo.FieldMetaData'))

    drop table dbo.FieldMetaData

    select distinct

    convert(char(50),b.Name) as FieldName

    ,convert(char(20),case when c.Name = 'sysname ' then 'nvarchar ' else c.Name end) as DataType

    -- ,b.length as StorageLenth

    ,b.prec as TotalLength

    ,b.scale as DecimalPlaces


    ,b.cdefault as DefaultConstraintObjectID

    ,b.domain as Rule_ConstraintObjectID

    ,case when b.Status&0x08 = 0x08 then 1 else 0 end as Nullable

    ,case when b.Status&0x10 = 0x10 then 1 else 0 end as ANSIPadding

    ,case when b.Status&0x80 = 0x80 then 1 else 0 end as IdentityColumn

    ,convert(char(50),a.Name) as TableName

    ,getdate() as InfoDate




    sysobjects as a

    inner join syscolumns as b on =

    left outer join SysTypes as c on b.xtype = c.xtype


    (a.Type = 'U' or a.Type = 'v') and a.Name not in ('Diagrams','Tables','dtproperties','SysConstraints') and not like 'FieldMetaData%'

    alter table FieldMetaData add FieldDefinition as rtrim(FieldName) + ' ' + rtrim(DataType) + case when DataType like '%char%' or DataType like '%num%' then '(' + rtrim(TotalLength) + case when DecimalPlaces > ' ' then ','+rtrim(DecimalPlaces) else '' end + ')' else '' end + case when Nullable = 1 then ' null' else ' not null' end

    -- ParsedType

    -- (all suffix of "ID" should be reviewed (identity?))

    -- (only one identity field per name)


    Edited by - cmore on 11/19/2003 08:23:39 AM

  • Why not just use the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES view?



  • Because I tried it and didn't like it- I wrote this when I needed to review a db for naming conventions, identity column usage, field type usage and matching, etc. and didn't want to do it by looking at diagrams. Once I wrote this I wrote some scripts to query the table with to look for the more common issues. I remember trying to use the SCHEMA tables and not finding (perhaps my mistake) what I was looking for.

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