Add the content of a text file in database

  • One of my client is producing reports on a AS400 system. Currently he is sending a txt file to his remote users. Now he would like to be able storing those raw txt file in a SQL Server database so he could offer some sort of friendly web user interface. Reports can be around 2Mb of text per report. Is there a way to store a text file in SQL Server as it is an retrieve it as it is as well ?


  • In short, Yes it is possible.  Your post however does not give enough information for someone to tell you how.

    You can store the Text of a text file in a row in the database using the text or ntext datatypes.  These have a max length of 2 gig.

    Or you can store actual .txt files  as a document using a image datatype. This also has a max size of about 2 gig.

    I guess we would have to know more to give you any more help

    Tal McMahon 

    Kindest Regards,

    Tal Mcmahon

  • Hmmm, friendly web user interface, ay?

    I know this is not an answer to your question, but I can't help it - demonstrate Reporting Services for him! I have just started playing with it, so I am not yet an expert. However, when I demonstrate my relatively simplistic reports to management and colleagues, they almost start salivating...


  • Beware of web services,

    Out of the box reading all of the Propoganda they are really cool. But, currently, they are not designed for anonymous public use like...oh say the internet. 

    I was quite dissappointed to discover that after spending weeks creating reports.

    If however your users are nt/authenticated then all is well.

    good luck



    Kindest Regards,

    Tal Mcmahon

  • I am not going to use it until 2005 is out and stable - I just have a feeling that they will change it just enough to make lots of work on it now invalid - see XML and Analysis services......

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