combining two queries with different columns

  • i have 2 tables with some of teh same field names/types but soem fields are only in one table or the other.

    one of the common fields between the two tables is collectionID.

    so what i want to do is write a query that will return in one resultset, all the feilds from each of the 2 tables where collectionID=2 for example.

    is this possible?


    for example table 1:

    ID, CollectionID, Department, DocNum, Title, URL, DateAdded, Description


    ID, CollectionID, Dept, DocumentName, Document, LastModified, ModifiedBy, OptionalField1, OptionalField2, OptionalField3, OptionalField4, OptionalField5

  • select

    T1.[ID], T1.CollectionID, T1.Department, T1.DocNum, T1.Title, T1.URL, T1.DateAdded, T1.[Description],

    T2.[ID], T2.CollectionID, T2.Dept, T2.DocumentName, T2.Document, T2.LastModified, T2.ModifiedBy,

    T2.OptionalField1, T2.OptionalField2, T2.OptionalField3, T2.OptionalField4, T2.OptionalField5

    from table1 T1 inner join table2 T2 on T1.CollectionID = T2.CollectionID

    where T1.CollectionID = 2

    is that what u need r did i get it wrong?

  • please c my updated post. actually thr was no need to declare a variable

  • yeah that might do it - lemme try.

  • If the two tables contain different sets of rows, you might want to do a FULL JOIN to get all rows instead of an INNER JOIN.  And you can combine the common fields with ISNULL (or COALESCE for you purists).

    SELECT isnull(a.ID, b.ID) as ID,       -- COMMON FIELDS

      isnull(a.CollectionID, b.CollectionID) as CollectionID,

      isnull(a.Department, b.Dept) as Department,

      a.DocNum, b.Document, b.DocumentName,     -- UNIQUE FIELDS

      a.Title, a.URL, a.DateAdded, a.Description,

      b.LastModified, b.ModifiedBy, ...

    FROM Table1 a

    FULL JOIN Table2 b ON a.ID = b.ID

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