Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4 Installation Problem

  • Hi all,

    I downloaded Microsoft SQL2000.MSDE-KB884525-SP4-x86-ENU.exe file from Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4 website. I double clicked the file in my C:\drive and it just showed the first step that tells me how many % to go, and then the screen of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4 shows up, but it does not do the installation - it is just hanging there and doing nothing.

    Did you have this problem in installing the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4? How can I solve the problem? 

    My Dell-4100 PC was upgraded from Windows ME to Windows XP Pro 2 years ago. I have Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 2 in my PC now.  I tried to install the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE) without any luck for 5 weeks. Someone suggested me to install the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4 before I install MSDE.  Please help and advise.

    Thanks in advance,

  • You see the first screen and it doesn't go any farther? Or you are able to click through the options but nothing happens afterwards?

    In either case, see if there's a sqlsp.log file in your Windows directory... date/time should be from the last time you tried to install SP4 if it was written by the install process (and isn't left over from when you installed SQL Server 2000 SP2). If it's there and recent, what do the last few lines indicate?

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Hi Brian,  Thanks for your response.

    My answers to your questions are:

    1)  I see the first screen and it doesn't go any farther.

    2) The sqlsp.log in my Windows:

    20:19:24 Begin Setup

    20:19:24 Version on Media: 8.00.2039

    20:19:24 Mode = Normal

    20:19:24 ModeType = NORMAL

    20:19:24 Loading library - sqlsut.dll (#L1)

    20:19:24 Begin: SetupInitialize()

    20:19:24 End: SetupInitialize()

    20:19:24 Begin:  CheckFixedRequirements()

    20:19:24 Platform ID: 0xf000000

    20:19:24 Version: 5.1.2600

    20:19:24 File Version - C:\WINDOWS\system32\shdocvw.dll: 6.0.2900.2668

    20:19:24 End:  CheckFixedRequirements()

    20:19:24 Begin Action:  CheckRequirements

    20:19:24 Processor Architecture: x86 (Pentium)

    20:19:24 Service Pack:  512

    20:19:24 ComputerName: L9P3P0

    20:19:24 User Name: Scott H. Chang

    20:19:24 IsAllAccessAllowed returned: 1

    20:19:24 OS Language: 0x409

    20:19:24 End Action CheckRequirements

    20:19:24 CreateSetupTopology(L9P3P0), Handle : 0x12b50a0, returned : 0

    20:19:24 CreateSetupTopology returned : 0, Handle : 0x12b50a0

    20:19:24 Topology Type : 1, Return Value : 0

    20:19:24 ST_GetPhysicalNode returned : 0, PNHandle : 0x12b50d8

    20:19:24 PN_EnumerateEx returned : 0

    20:19:24 PN_GetSQLStates returned : 0, SqlStates : 0x0

    20:19:24 PN_StartScan [0x12b50d8] returned : 0

    20:19:24 PN_GetNext [0x12b50d8] returned : 18, Handle: [0x0]

    20:19:24 No more items in enumeration.

    20:19:24 ReleaseSetupTopology

    20:19:24 This combination of Package and Operating System allows a full product install.

    21:36:45 Action Exit Handler:

    21:36:50 Begin Action : LogEvent

    21:36:50 Could not report an event : [6]

    21:36:50 End Action : LogEvent

    21:36:50 Begin Action : CloseEventLog

    21:36:50  Could not de-register the event source : [6]

    21:36:50 End Action : CloseEventLog

    Please help and advise me again.

    Scott  Chang

  • Just a few questions ...

    Do you have an administratove account on the XP computer ?

    Is the windows firewall turned on ?


    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • Hi Rudy, Thanks for your response.

    I am a sole user of my 'upgraded" Windows XP Pro Dell-4100.  I have no ideas about whether I have an administrator account on the XP computer or the windows firewall is on/off: (1) I never created an administror account myself and (2) I just have Microsoft Anti-virus program in my PC.  I guess my answer to both of your questions is "No". 

    More symtoms to tell you: (i) I tried to install the Mircosoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE) Release A. I got no "default" instance in the ADD/Remove Programs place. (ii) I tried to install the third-party CambridgeSoft-licensed MSDE. I got no "named" instance like MSSQL$CambridgeSoft in the ADD/Remove Programs place either.  The CambridgeSoft technical director thinks that the Windows ME might be interfering the MSDE installation!!!??? What do you think?  How can I overcome this interfering? Can the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4 help my MSDE installtion?  How can I install the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4 and the MSDE in my "upgraded" Windows XP Pro PC?   Please help and advise.

    Thanks again,

    Scott  Chang 

  • Hi all,

    I want to add more information of the symptom in my SQL Server 2000/MSDE installation. Last night, in my Windows XP Pro - Dell 4100 PC, I clicked on Control Panel => Administror Tools => Computer Management (Local) => System Tools (Local User Groups) => Services and Applications => I saw the following things - Administrors: Administrors have complete and unrestricted access to the computer/domain. But, SQL MMC: SQL Server Tools settings are missing from the Registry, please re-install the client tools. |OK|.

    Microsoft Management Console -

    Snap-in failed to initialize

    Name: <unknown>

    CLSID: {00100100-1816-1100-8EFS-00AA0062C58F3}  |OK|.

    Services -

    WMI Control

    Indexing Service

    Internet Information Services

    L9P3P0 (local computer), Version-IIS v5.1.  

    I do not know (1) why "SQL Server Tools" settings are missing from the Registry(!!!???), (2) what are the "client tools" and where I can find them for re-installing(!!!???), and (3) it seems that IIS v5.1 is not a right one in my Windows XP Pro PC (!!??) - it should be IIS v6.0. Right?  

    Please kindly help and advise me.

    Many Thanks in advance,

    Scott  Chang  

  • Hey Scott, I was wondering if you ever got your problem solved trying to install MSSQL SP4? I recently tried to run the install and I get the following error msg: "A service control operation failed for the MSSQLSERVER service: 1460 the operation returned because the timeout period expired. This message appeared at the "Validating user, please wait info box appeared. I called myself stopping the service for this instance, but that did not resolve the problem. If you finally did get your update to work, please let me know what the secert is.

    My system is as follows: XP Pro SP2, MSSQL 2000 Developer Edition w/no prior upgrades applied. My current version is 8.00760. Any help would be appreciated

    Thanks in advance . . . Tom J.

    Kindest Regards,

    Thomas Johnson
    A+, MCP, MCSD .Net, C#
    Pray to the one who scraficed for you

  • I had 3 bizarre problems on this OLD SQL 2000 server:

    - I couldn’t install SQL2000 SP4, nor any hotfixes (cumulative 2187 & 2249) completely – Kept on getting timeout error 1460 during those installs, and/or only the “tools” would update but not the DBs themselves (Master, etc…).

    - I also couldn’t create maintenance plans (backups) for the SQL server – kept on getting SQL ServerAgent error 14258.

    - Finally, my Online Backup software would always fail to backup the SQL server using its default SQL settings.

    Then I discovered that the server was in “fiber / lightweight pooling mode” rather than in the default “thread mode”:

    After I placed the server back into its default “thread mode”:

    sp_configure 'allow updates', 1


    reconfigure with override


    sp_configure 'lightweight pooling', 0


    reconfigure with override


    …all my problems went away. I know it’s a very old issue, but perhaps there are still people out there that could benefit from this tidbit of experience.


    Philippe Blanchard, MCSE

    President - PBC Consulting

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