Cannot perform an aggregate function on an expression containing an aggregate or a subquery

  • Hi i am tryin to get the max of collection of calculated averages but when i try to use the simple option of using the max outside the avg function i get this error "Server: Msg 130, Level 15, State 1, Line 2

    Cannot perform an aggregate function on an expression containing an aggregate or a subquery." so im just wondering if anyone has any idea how to avoid this problem

    this is my code

    Select 'Team Averages ' =

    max(avg(case Code when 'A' then 4.0 when 'B' then 3.0 when 'C' then 2.0 when 'D' then 1.0 else 0.0 end))

    From ScoutingReport sr

    Where sr.Type = 1

    And sr.ScoutId = 11619

    group by matchid

    and this is my output at the moment there are 3 teams and the averages are


    Team Averages





    thanks in advance Tim

  • Try using a subquery like the following:

    declare @ScoutingReport table (type int, scoutID int, matchid int, code char(1))

    insert @ScoutingReport values(1, 11619, 1, 'A')

    insert @ScoutingReport values(1, 11619, 1, 'B')

    insert @ScoutingReport values(1, 11619, 1, 'D')

    insert @ScoutingReport values(1, 11619, 2, 'C')

    insert @ScoutingReport values(1, 11619, 2, 'C')

    Select matchid, 'Team Averages ' = max(avgscore)

    from (select matchid, avg(case Code when 'A' then 4.0 when 'B' then 3.0 when 'C' then 2.0 when 'D' then 1.0 else 0.0 end) avgscore

    From @ScoutingReport sr

    Where sr.Type = 1

    And sr.ScoutId = 11619

    group by matchid) s

    group by matchid

  • thanks alot thats better than what i have but i need the final result to be the matchid of one match and the max average of that match

    this query returns


    1    2.666666

    2    2.000000


    but i need


    1    2.666666


    any ideas

  • Yeah, take out the outer group by matchid:

    declare @ScoutingReport table (type int, scoutID int, matchid int, code char(1))

    insert @ScoutingReport values(1, 11619, 1, 'A')

    insert @ScoutingReport values(1, 11619, 1, 'B')

    insert @ScoutingReport values(1, 11619, 1, 'D')

    insert @ScoutingReport values(1, 11619, 2, 'C')

    insert @ScoutingReport values(1, 11619, 2, 'C')

    Select 'Team Averages ' = max(avgscore)

    from (select matchid, avg(case Code when 'A' then 4.0 when 'B' then 3.0 when 'C' then 2.0 when 'D' then 1.0 else 0.0 end) avgscore

    From @ScoutingReport sr

    Where sr.Type = 1

    And sr.ScoutId = 11619

    group by matchid) s

  • Sorry, I missed the requirement for the matchid that includes the max-avg score.

    Try this:

    declare @ScoutingReport table (type int, scoutID int, matchid int, code char(1))

    insert @ScoutingReport values(1, 11619, 1, 'A')

    insert @ScoutingReport values(1, 11619, 1, 'B')

    insert @ScoutingReport values(1, 11619, 1, 'D')

    insert @ScoutingReport values(1, 11619, 2, 'C')

    insert @ScoutingReport values(1, 11619, 2, 'C')

    create table #avgscores(matchid int, avgscore decimal(38,6))

    create index ix_avgscores_avg on #avgscores(avgscore)

    insert #avgscores(matchid , avgscore)

    select matchid, avg(case Code when 'A' then 4.0 when 'B' then 3.0 when 'C' then 2.0 when 'D' then 1.0 else 0.0 end) avgscore

    From @ScoutingReport sr

    Where sr.Type = 1

    And sr.ScoutId = 11619

    group by matchid

    Select matchid, avgscore 'Team Averages'

    from  #avgscores a

    inner join (select max(avgscore) maxscore

                from #avgscores) x

    on a.avgscore = x.maxscore

    drop table #avgscores

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