column name starting with _ (underscore)

  • Reality check needed.

    Would you ever start a column name with an underscore?  If you would, why would you do that?

    Thanks for your thoughts on this.


  • I Wouldn't.  In fact I can't remember the last time I ever created on with an underscore (but I've seen it done often, never in the front however).

  • There're a whole bunch of articles out there on naming conventions alone - none that I've seen that justifies starting any name with an underscore...I've also seen spaces used in object names and keep wondering how much of a pain it must be to use these in the front-end least spaces lend to readability but I cannot think of a similar argument for underscores....

    Is the creator of underscores not reachable any more...maybe you could ask him/her ?!?!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Been there.  Don't you ever dare putting a space or "¿" in the table name. 

  • The only excuse I've ever heard for starting a database field with an underscore was that it was then a direct match for a field in the client program (C++ has a lot to answer for!).  Data abstraction obviously means nothing to some people   There's no need for underscores imho.

  • I use double underscores at the beginning and ending of a column name when I am writing an application that will have user named columns.  Its not a C++ thing, I just want to guarantee that the column name will be unique.

  • Bill - can you elaborate on that ?! What do you mean by a user named column - as opposed to a system table & columns - a dbo column ?!?!?! Can you provide examples to illustrate ?!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • You have just confirmed my opinions.  You wouldn't believe the reason I was given for wanting to use this convention.  Too moronic to even post.

    Thanks for the feedback and reality check.

  • That's it, now you'll have to tell us what it is .

  • Angela - moronic or not it'd be helpful to know what the person was thinking when he/she created those'll also help others with similar reasoning see all the "cons" involved..

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • tools that build databases.  what names can you be sure you customers are not going to use?

  • "Because it makes the column stand out"

    Need I say more?

  • Unfortunately you have me intrigued enough that I do want you to "say more" - so these must be specific columns that need to "stand out" - where exactly are they standing that they're instantly spotted and distinguished from their non-underscored relatives?!?!

    Don't worry if you don't have the time to post a response - I'll just let my imagination run riot - it's a Friday after all!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • yes please!!!!!

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