Top N question

  • I have to do a reporte of a table that have the finacial movements per employee and company, of the transactions of certain bonus card. The transaction look like this:

    Cia     Emple    Balance    Date

    9990  123        100         10/11/2006

    9990  123        80           10/13/2006

    9990  123        120          11/21/2006

    9990  114        522          10/22/2006

    9990  114        501          10/30/2006

    9990  114        201          11/30/2006    


    If they want the balance at 10/31/2006 of CIA 9990 I have to return

    Cia     Emple    Balance   

    9990  123        80          

    9990  114        501          

    How can I do that, I try the top N and of course it doesn't return what I spect, is there a special function do uses in this cases?

  • Select Cia, Emple, Balance FROM dbo.Table WHERE CIA = 9990 AND DATE >= '10/31/2006' AND DATE < '11/01/2006'

  • I think she means that she wants to get the last balance before the @as_of_date. Hopefully, there is just one entry per date (or we are dealing with a date & time).

  • Good point.  But I can only answer the posted questions.  I already tried to answer all possible implied questions but my post count started rising about 200 posts / day.  And well, I got work to do here to .

  • Whe are not dealing with date & Time, just Date.

    And how "Dave I" said I need the balance at certain day. One row per employee.

  • Without the time part noone can say which is the last/top balance of the day.  We need some way of defining that, otherwise there's not much we can do (effectively)!

  • You are right I have a colum (varchar 8) that have the time

    02:02:34   for 2 am

    14:21:21   for 2 pm


    This the query that I do but I only obtain the information of one employee


    select top 1 tbmovimientos.nocliente, tbmovimientos.noemple, tbmovimientos.SaldoAnterior + tbmovimientos.montoulttrans as Saldo

    from tbmovimientos

    where  tbmovimientos.nocliente=9990 and

    tbmovimientos.noemple=114 and

    fechaTrans <='2006-10-31 00:00:00.000'

    order by nocliente, fechaTrans desc, hrTrans desc

  • And they are split because???


    Date and time are the same thing, a point in time.  Time by itself means pretty much nothing in this context.


    What iare the clustered index and primary keys on that table?

  • Assuming that tblTest contains your sample data:

    SELECT distinct t1.Cia,t1.Emple,t2.balance FROM dbo.tblTest t1


    outer join (select top 1 emple,balance from dbo.tblTest t3 where t3.date_dd<='20061031' and t3.Cia=9990) t2




    t1.date_dd<='20061031' and t1.Cia=9990


  • Sorry, you cannot see all top 1 balance values with the previous script.

    SELECT distinct t1.cia,t1.Emple,t2.balance

    into #temp

    FROM dbo.tblTest t1

    left outer join (select top 1 emple,balance from dbo.tblTest t3 where t3.date_dd<='20061031' and t3.Cia=9990) t2

    on t2.emple=t1.emple

    where t1.date_dd<='20061031' and t1.Cia=9990

    update #temp set balance=(select top 1 balance from dbo.tblTest t where t.date_dd<='20061031' and t.Cia=9990 and t.emple=#temp.emple order by balance)

    where #temp.balance is NULL

    select * from #temp

    drop table #temp


    Good luck!

  • how about

    select Cia, Emple , (select top 1 balance from table b where b.Emple  = m.emple and b.cia=m.cia where date <= @date order by date desc) from table m


    or somehting along those lines?

  • Thanks for the help!!

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