Top queries

  • hi friends

    hi have one table

    id date

    1 2009-01-01

    1 2009-02-01

    2 2009-01-02

    3 2009-04-01

    2 2009-04-21

    1 2009-04-08

    1 2007-04-04

    4 2007-04-04

    i need resuld in

    id date1 date2 date3 date4 date5 date6

    1 2009-01-01 2009-02-01 2009-04-08 2007-04-04

    2 2009-01-02 2009-04-21

    3 2009-04-01

    4 2007-04-04

    i thought to use top clause but permorance issue

    so please any one hepl me

  • Take a look at the article in my signature on cross tabs. If you need more help writing the code, please post table definitions and sample data according to the "How to post Sample Data" article that is also in my signature.

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

  • please check this





    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[test](

    [id] [int] NULL,

    [date] [datetime] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    insert into test

    select 1,'2009-01-01' union all

    select 1,'2009-05-01' union all

    select 2,'2009-04-01' union all

    select 2,'2009-01-01' union all

    select 3,'2009-01-01' union all

    select 1,'2009-04-01' union all

    select 3,'2009-03-01' union all

    select 2,'2009-02-01' union all

    select 4,'2009-01-01' union all

    select 1,'2009-05-01'

    Result should be

    id date1 date2 date3 date4 date5

    1 1-Jan-09 1-May-09 1-Apr-09 1-May-09 null

    2 1-Apr-09 1-Jan-09 1-Feb-09 null null

    3 1-Jan-09 1-Mar-09 null null null

    4 1-Jan-09 null null null null

    please give solution

  • Did you look at the first article I suggested? Please post what you've tried so far.

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

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