Active X HELP!

  • I have used an example from this site labeled Push FTP and have scaled it down dramatically. What I wanted to accomplish was to create a txt file that would be comprised of some general FTP information. This information included the FTP site, login information as well as the location and names of files that needed to be uploaded. Here is what I have so far but the problem is when I run this ActiveX script I get thrown in and infinite loop where the package never ends. Any help would help in determining what I have done wrong OR if someone else has done this same thing in a different way.

    I also still need to create it so that I can now EXEC this text file from the command line in DTS (would be nice):

    Like - ftp -s:"c:\MyFile.txt"

    Any help with that would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you all!


    ' Create FTP File to Exec


    Function Main()

    On Error Resume Next

    Dim strDestPath, fNewFile, strSourcePath, fOldFile, sBackup

    Dim fso, f, f1, fc, fcreated, fname, fldrItem, fldrName

    Dim objTxtFile, baseDate

    ' Initialize the variables

    strSourcePath = "Q:\Shared\GRIPA\WebDevelopment\GRIPAWEB\images\PDF"

    strDestPath = "c:\"

    ' Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    ' Create the Text File

    Set objTxtFile = fso.CreateTextFile( strDestPath & "\ftpSend.txt", TRUE)

    ' Write the Header

    objTxtFile.writeline( "open" )

    objTxtFile.writeline( "username" )

    objTxtFile.writeline( "password" )

    objTxtFile.writeline( "cd images" )

    objTxtFile.writeline( "cd pdf" )

    ' Set f = fso.GetFolder(strSourcePath)

    dim conn

    Set conn = createobject("adodb.connection")

    ' Set rsFName = Server.CreateObject("adodb.Recordset") "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=gripaWeb_writer;Password=writer;Initial Catalog=GRIPANET;Data Source=HUMBOLDT75"

    SQL = " SELECT FileName" _

    & " FROM Alerts" _

    & " WHERE (Month(InsDate) = Month(GetDate()) AND Day(InsDate) = Day(GetDate()))" _

    & " OR " _

    & " (Month(UpdateDate) = Month(GetDate()) AND Day(UpdateDate) = Day(GetDate()))"

    Set rsFName = conn.execute(SQL)

    Do While Not rsFName.EOF

    objTxtFile.writeline( "put """ & strSourcePath & "\" & rsFName("FileName") & """")



    objTxtFile.writeline( "quit" )


    ' CLEAN UP

    Set objTxtFile = Nothing

    Set fso = Nothing


    set conn = nothing

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

  • You have too many double quotes on this line:

    objTxtFile.writeline( "put """ & strSourcePath & "\" & rsFName("FileName") & """")

    You should only have 3 at the very last part. By having 4 there, it thinks you are escaping the double quote and that the string to write is still going on. So, the MoveNext command isn't being called because it thinks that it is part of the string.

    No MoveNext = infinite loop

    That's why this is dangerous: On Error Resume Next

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  • Thanks I did not see that. I have however run the script and it runs however it does not produce a file and I definatley have records that meet that meet my SQL query. In the past at least it created the file with no records to FTP!

  • Can you change the writeline within the loop to just write the query result and not the "put", etc.

    Do you get any writes from the function?

    Steve Jones

  • Thanks Steve, I actually fixed the problem. For some reason the file that my sql query was producing was dirty and some miscellaneous spaces in it which caused it to not ftp to me remote server. Here is the final code:

    ACTIVEX Task


    ' Create FTP File to Exec


    Function Main()

    On Error Resume Next

    Dim strDestPath, strSourcePath

    Dim fso

    Dim objTxtFile

    Dim conn

    ' Initialize the variables

    strSourcePath = "\\viahealth84\gripanet$\images\PDF"

    strDestPath = "c:\"

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    ' Create the Text File

    Set objTxtFile = fso.CreateTextFile("c:\ftpsend.txt", TRUE)

    ' Write the Header

    objTxtFile.writeline( "open" )

    objTxtFile.writeline( "username" )

    objTxtFile.writeline( "password" )

    objTxtFile.writeline( "cd images" )

    objTxtFile.writeline( "cd pdf" )

    Set conn = createobject("adodb.connection")

    ' Set rsFName = Server.CreateObject("adodb.Recordset") "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=Webwriter;Password=writer;Initial Catalog=db;Data Source=server"

    ' ALERTS ******************************************************************************************************

    SQL1 = "SELECT FileName" _

    & " FROM dbo.Alerts" _

    & " WHERE (Month(InsDate) = Month(GetDate()) AND Day(InsDate) = Day(GetDate()))" _

    & " OR " _

    & " (Month(UpdateDate) = Month(GetDate()) AND Day(UpdateDate) = Day(GetDate()))"

    Set rsAlertFName = conn.execute(SQL1)

    Do While Not rsAlertFName.EOF

    objTxtFile.writeline( "put " & strSourcePath & "\" & rsAlertFName("FileName") & "")



    ' ANNUAL REPORTS ****************************************************************************************

    SQL2 = "SELECT FileName" _

    & " FROM dbo.AnnualReports" _

    & " WHERE (Month(InsDate) = Month(GetDate()) AND Day(InsDate) = Day(GetDate()))" _

    & " OR " _

    & " (Month(UpdateDate) = Month(GetDate()) AND Day(UpdateDate) = Day(GetDate()))"

    Set rsAnReFName = conn.execute(SQL2)

    Do While Not rsAnReFName.EOF

    objTxtFile.writeline( "put " & strSourcePath & "\" & rsAnReFName("FileName") & "")



    ' MEETING MINUTES ***************************************************************************************

    SQL3 = "SELECT FileName" _

    & " FROM dbo.MeetingMinutes" _

    & " WHERE (Month(InsDate) = Month(GetDate()) AND Day(InsDate) = Day(GetDate()))" _

    & " OR " _

    & " (Month(UpdateDate) = Month(GetDate()) AND Day(UpdateDate) = Day(GetDate()))"

    Set rsMMFName = conn.execute(SQL3)

    Do While Not rsMMFName.EOF

    objTxtFile.writeline( "put " & strSourcePath & "\" & rsMMFName("FileName") & "")



    ' NEWS LETTERS *******************************************************************************************

    SQL4 = "SELECT FileName" _

    & " FROM dbo.Newsletters" _

    & " WHERE (Month(InsDate) = Month(GetDate()) AND Day(InsDate) = Day(GetDate()))" _

    & " OR " _

    & " (Month(UpdateDate) = Month(GetDate()) AND Day(UpdateDate) = Day(GetDate()))"

    Set rsNLFName = conn.execute(SQL4)

    Do While Not rsNLFName.EOF

    objTxtFile.writeline( "put " & strSourcePath & "\" & rsNLFName("FileName") & "")



    objTxtFile.writeline( "quit" )


    ' CLEAN UP

    Set objTxtFile = Nothing

    Set fso = Nothing


    set conn = nothing

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function


    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'ftp -s:c:\ftpsend.txt'

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