How much time each task takes

  • I'm using a SQL 7 DTS that takes too much time (over 2 hours). We'd like to pin down exactly where that time is being taken up. Is there a way to find out that time?

    I was originally thinking of creating a log text file with start & end times, but I'm open to any method.



  • Run the package manually from Enterprise Manager. This will allow you to look at the Start Time and Finish Time of each step in the Progress box (you can see this by scrolling the display horizontally).

  • Is there a way for me to save this information? The load on the server is lighter overnight when its run and that's the time I'd like to have knowledge of processing times.

  • Turn on package logging and let the job run...the log will give you the start and stop times and duration for each step...or at least the duration for each step and the start/stop time for the package and total package duration time I believe.

    Michael Weiss

    Michael Weiss

  • My SQL Server tells me that package logging is only available in 2000. I'm running SQL 7. Nice idea, though.

  • We had the same problem but we needed to know what statements in the sql tasks themselves were long running. We ended up creating a table to hold all the start and stop times. We also created a little report via a stored proc that gives us the timings.

    We then put in inserts in the code to this table where we thought the problems were and ran the report after.

    Here is the table definition:


    [sequence_id] [numeric](18, 0) IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

    [inserted_dt] [datetime] NOT NULL ,

    [Process_name] [varchar] (50) NOT NULL ,

    [Occurance_id] [char] (1) NOT NULL ,

    [occurance_dt] [datetime] NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    Here is the example of the inserts:

    -- insert the before timing record

    insert timings



    ,'process name 1'

    ,'a' -- always start with a



    end_of_day -- table that holds rundate so it doesn't change

    -- do an sql query here

    select * from tbl_whatever

    -- insert the after timing record

    insert timings



    ,'process name 1'





    -- do another sql query here

    select * from tbl_whatever2

    -- insert the final timing record

    insert timings



    ,'process name 1'

    ,'z' --- always end with z




    -- This is the stored proc that reports the data

    create procedure timings


    set nocount on

    declare @inserted_dt_1 datetime

    declare @inserted_dt_2 datetime

    select @inserted_dt_1 = max(inserted_dt) from timings

    select @inserted_dt_2 = max(inserted_dt) from timings where inserted_dt < @inserted_dt_1

    select 'These timings are grouped by the 2 most recent runs, in descending order'

    select case datepart(dw,@inserted_dt_1)

    when 1 then 'Sunday'

    when 2 then 'Monday'

    when 3 then 'Tuesday'

    when 4 then 'Wednesday'

    when 5 then 'Thursday'

    when 6 then 'Friday'

    else 'Saturday'



    select process_name, datediff(mi, min(occurance_dt), max(occurance_dt)) 'minutes'

    from timings where inserted_dt = @inserted_dt_1

    group by process_name

    order by process_name

    compute sum(datediff(mi, min(occurance_dt), max(occurance_dt)))

    select case datepart(dw,@inserted_dt_2)

    when 1 then 'Sunday'

    when 2 then 'Monday'

    when 3 then 'Tuesday'

    when 4 then 'Wednesday'

    when 5 then 'Thursday'

    when 6 then 'Friday'

    else 'Saturday'



    select process_name, datediff(mi, min(occurance_dt), max(occurance_dt)) 'minutes'

    from timings where inserted_dt = @inserted_dt_2

    group by process_name

    order by process_name

    compute sum(datediff(mi, min(occurance_dt), max(occurance_dt)))

  • Run it using a job and in the advanced tab of the job you should be able to create a log file. That file should have all the information you need. Can't remember if it was not available in SQL 7. I think it was.

  • jghoshal - that option is available in 2000 but was not available in 7.0

    To use it in 2000 you must be inside a package (design package option) and open the properties for the package (package pull down -- properties) then click on the logging tab. Click the "log package execution to SQL Server" option and enter the server and connection info.

    You can run the package interactively or scheduled through a job. Either way it will create a log.

    To view the log, right click on the package and pick the "package log" option.

    You can also view the log info directly from the system table "sysdtspackagelog" in the MSDB database. This method also gives more detail on the run and the ability to report on it systematically.

  • Maybe we're running a different kind of SQL server. The only related type tables in our MSDB database are sysdtscategories and sysdtspackages. There is nothing about any log file associated with a dts-type table.

    There's been talk (for years now) about upgrading SQL server but I don't think its going to happen any time soon.

  • That table is only in 2000. It is not in 7.0

  • Yes, my statement in the first line of the first message was that I was running SQL 7.

    Does anyone know of a way that I can do this time logging given the constraints I'm under?

  • Given your constraints, and excluding the manual run, you will need to add a logging task between each step of the package. This can be a simple SQL task with a statement like:

    INSERT INTO LogTable (Step, StepTime) Values (<step # hard coded>, getdate())

    Place before each step, and after the last step. That's the best I can see for an automatically run package.

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