SQL 7 backup does restore onto different server

  • Hi,

    When I tried to restore a database (SQL 7.0 SP4, with hotfix) onto different Win 2000 server, I got the following message:

    SQL-OBD, Error SQL-STATE-42000: Sort order is different (32) than sort order in this machine (52).

    Do you guys know, what could be wrong. I need urgent assistance. Help !!!

    Thanks. Sanjay

  • You can't just resotre one db from sql 7 to sql 2000. You can, upgrade your sql server 7 to 2000 or make a complete database script of your sql 7 database, try to create it in 2000, and then import all the data to the 2000 server.

  • Thanks for the info. Actually both the servers are SQL 7.0 (SP4). The error message that I got is: SQL-DMO (ODBC SQL STATE 42000) and it states "The database you are attempting to restore was backed up under a different sort order (32) than the one currently on this server(52) and atleast one of them is a non-binary sort order."

    I think its something to do with Collation/Sort and somehow I need to build Master again to get the correct settings. But I do not know, how its setup in Windows or SQL and how can we change. Also what is the correct values.

    Thanks. Sanjay


  • Thanks for the info. Actually both the servers are SQL 7.0 (SP4). The error message that I got is: SQL-DMO (ODBC SQL STATE 42000) and it states "The database you are attempting to restore was backed up under a different sort order (32) than the one currently on this server(52) and atleast one of them is a non-binary sort order."

    I think its something to do with Collation/Sort and somehow I need to build Master again to get the correct settings. But I do not know, how its setup in Windows or SQL and how can we change. Also what is the correct values.

    Thanks. Sanjay


  • Run sp_helpsort to get the sort order from your old server and reinstall SQL Server with customization option.

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