DB Maintenance Plan not running

  • I created a DB Maintenance Plan to backup my database and transaction logs. It has been running great for the past 8 months. I discoved today that the backups have stopped running. I try to run it manual and nothing happens. I checked the application event viewer and found the following message.

    "Unable to retrieve steps for job DB Backup Job for DB Maintenance Plan 'DB Backup Databases'. "

    Does anyone have any idea what may be caused the DB Maintenance Plan not to run? I deleted the DB Maintenance Plan and recreated and it still does not work. I am able to backup all databases manaually.

    Any input would be appreciated.



  • Did anything change on the server? Did you change accounts/passwords for SA? How about for the SQL Server and Server Agent services?

    What login is the maintenance plan running under?


  • The only thing that I changed was I took away system administrators rights from the the Built-In\Administrators user login. When I put back the Admin rights the backups started working.

    How do I change the login for the maintenance plan?


  • Each maintenance plan creates a job. In Enterprise Manager, drill down to Management, expand that and expand SQL Server Agent. Click on Jobs. Find the maintenance plan job, right click on it, select properties. Go to the Steps tab, right click on the step, go to Advanced tab and change who it runs as.


  • i am sure the jobs were running under the Built In/Admin users...but y wud u want to remove the permissions from built in/admins...




  • dnivrav,

    Builtin/Admin is a poor security practice. It allows ANYONE who is an administrator to have SYSADMIN access to your databases.

    Let's say we work together. You are the DBA and I am a system admin for the computers. I really should not have sysadmin access to the databases. That's your job. But as a member of the Administrator Group/Role in Windows, I automatically have sysadmin access via Builtin/Administrators role.


  • And it follows that if I delete Builtin/Administrators role then the Administrator Group/Role in Windows can't access the databases?

  • That's correct. You would then need to create a login for them and give them the access they need. It won't be automatic.


  • dnivrav and gfahrlander,

    Even though we've gotten off the original topic and this should have been in a new thread....check out this article:



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