• Are there any known issues using DTS to move stored procedures from one SQL Server to another? The package would include moving all the dependent objects of the stored procedures.

  • Do you have to be selective about what you copy? If not, might be easier to just restore the database which would include all objects.

    Ray Higdon MCSE, MCDBA, CCNA


    Ray Higdon MCSE, MCDBA, CCNA

  • We were selectively moving sp's from TEST to PROD database. Unfortunately, after the DTS pkg ran, we noticed that some tables which are dependent objects in the sp's were dropped and recreated in PROD as a result of the transfer. Was this because there was a recompile?

  • No, that was probably becuase you had that option on in your transformation. A recompile will just re-establish an execution plan, it will never drop objects.

    I had a feeling that was what you were trying to do, so you must not want to transfer your tables unless that don't exist, because you don't want to drop and recreate (it screws up permissions) and you don't want to transfer data and replace (as those are production tables). Are there times when you transfer SP's that reference tables that do not exist in prod?

    Ray Higdon MCSE, MCDBA, CCNA


    Ray Higdon MCSE, MCDBA, CCNA

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