Organizational Hierarchy

  • Hi,

    I am a beginner with analysis services and would really appreciate help in how i can achieve the following:-

    There are several centers for an organization and all of these centers roll up into the highest level (which is company).I have the organizational hierarchy for each center in a table. what I am looking for is basically to build a tree such that if multiple center codes are entered as input, I would be able to produce the tree for these centers as they all roll up into one organization level, namely company. Let me also add that the centers would all be at the leaf level

    I am not sure how I should go about in analysis services to do this and/or how I can write a query to do this. Do I really need analysis services for this?

    I aplogize in advance if I am not clear. Please feel free to pose any questions



    Edited by - yss2003 on 11/11/2003 4:58:18 PM

  • Depends on how your data is structured

    If you have a parent id against each company centre that links it to another then you have a parent-child dimension. If you create a new dimension in Analysis services there is a wizard to help. Then the MDX to display this would go like: hierarchize([centreDim].&[centreKey1],[centreDim].&[centreKey2],[centreDim].&[centreKey3] /* ...and so on ...*/ ) on columns

    If you have a set structure where each company has on HO, then centre then sub-centre etc, you will need to use views to structure your data so that MS Analysis Services can see them as seperate linked tables. There is a wizard for this too.

    Keith Henry

    DBA/Developer/BI Manager

    Keith Henry

    According to everyone I know I "do something with computers?" for a living, so there you go.

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