Changing server increase my problems instead of solve them

  • This is my old scenario: Win NT 4.0 SP 6a in a Compaq Proliant PIII 500Mhz Single Processor, this is my PDC Server and also an MTS Server, A Win NT 4.0 sp 6a in a Dell PowerEdge 1300 PIII 500Mhz Single Processor, this is my server for MS SQL Server 7.0 sp4. I used to have problems beause some users get freezes when they are doing some jobs related with a product table. Now we have changed the Database server for a Dell PowerdEdge 2600, 2 Xeon 2.8 Ghz Processors, and 2Gb of RAM, but the cure turn worst than the disease, now we have more users getting freeze, and we have to stop SQL Server service and then started again, so the things can get normal again, this usually happens once every 5 days. Maybe there are some parameters that i have to configure now that i have more than one processor. By the way, the PowrEdge 1300 is now the PDC and COM+ Server, and both have Win2K sp4. Please i need some tunning hints or is somebody knows what could be the problem.

  • You should dedicate the windows server to SQL server only.

    Freezing: Blocking?

    Are you running SQL profiler?

  • Your original database server has one CPU only and queries will not be run in parallelism. Now you have new server with 2 CPUs, the query execution may be diifferent by running some of queries in parallel. you may disable the query parallel execution to setting "max degree of parallelism" to 1.



  • I did last week what Allen Cui said, but now i'm waiting to see if nothing happens later, remember, my problem sometimes takes 3 or 4 days to show up. I hope nothing will happen.

    I found this link, there are some explanation that i'm going to use, it could be very useful

  • Do you peform database maintenance such as reindex and statistics update regularly? Do you see memory presure after few days you rebooted the server?

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