Analysis Manager Color

  • Hi,

    When looking at the properties of a measure you should be able to set fore color and back color. When I click the button next to the property I get a MDX builder. Ok no problem. I found that the funtion FORE_COLOR() changes the color, but I always get an error on this function when I use it in the MDX builder.

    Anyone got an idea on how I can change the color of a member based on a condition?



  • Hi Nico,

    Using the Foodmart::Sales cube, inserting the following MDX as the forecolour expression for Profit (calculated member in Measures) will result in red or green text colour.

    IIF([Measures].[Profit] < 5000, 255, 65280)

    Make sure you read the BOL on 'FOre_Color and Back_Color Contents'. It explains how the RGB is from least to most significant byte, which is a little different to the web world of RGB (ie Red in web = FF0000, blue = 00FF00 etc etc). It's lot's of fun doing the conversion!

    I can get my hands on some conversion code if you need it.




  • Thanks Steve.

    No I have another question:

    Do you know how I can get that color coding in excel PTS?

    I know that in excel you can use conditional formating. But when you change something that makes the values shift, the conditional formating is on the wrong column/Row...



  • Hey Nico,

    I was going to say 'it just flows thru' but a quick test (and your qn) proves it doesn't. Sorry, I don't know how to make it come through.



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