DTS - copy incremental data

  • Hello all. I am probably missing something obvious but there doesn't seem to be a simple way of getting DTS to copy only the incremental data from one table to another using the Copy SQL Server Objects Task without writing a script to do it. Example:

    source_table needs to update destination_table










    So, I want DTS to leave the existing data in destination_table and simply add the additional data (D) from the source_table.

    The options available are Replace existing data (which truncates table first - which I don't want to do) or Append data (which appends all of source table into destination table).


  • You should either use a Data Driven Query task with an insert query or an Execute SQL task with an insert query.

    The insert query should look something like,

    /*Insert rows from source, that are not already in target table*/

    INSERT INTO dbo.destination_table

    SELECT *

    FROM dbo.source_table AS s



    SELECT 1

    FROM dbo.destination_table AS t

    WHERE t.column = s.column


    I'm currently writing a DTS package to do almost the same thing and I chose to use an Execute SQL task because I've read that DDQ can perform slowly. If you're dealing with a small amount of data, it probably doesn't matter which you use.

    Hope this helps,



  • Thanks Greg that's useful. I just thought that there might be an option within DTS that would do this automatically.


  • If you have some sort of date or identity col you could use a dynamic task to assign the max value to a global variable before the insert.

    The execute sql would then "insert tableB select * from tableA where field > ?" This would be great if it also took advantage of an index in the original table.

  • Adding Timestamp columns to your source database is even better.

    A timestamp is a unique binary value over the whole database. It increments with 1 bit each time you insert or update a column.

    You can even check if columns are updated after the last load.

    It's even very performant because a timestamp is 8 bytes and in machine format, you can scan millions of rows in only seconds.

  • Regarding SeekQuel's suggestion of using a Timestamp column for auditing: Wouldn't you actually need to have 2 columns or some other way to record the timestamp value before and after DTS'ing the changes? Otherwise how could you tell if the column had been incremented?

  • DON'T USE DDQ's...they are ridiculously slow.

    Use a Data Transformation Task with an "Execute SQL" (instead of a table or a file)source...that's the fastest by far.

    "Where not exists" works well, but a left join and looking for a null works better as long as the joining column is unique.

    select *

    From Table 1

    LEFT JOIN Table 2 on 1.UniqueID = 2.UniqueID

    where 2.UniqueID is null

    Signature is NULL

  • DTT with "Copy Column", to be specific....

    Signature is NULL

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