Running DTS packages from ASP

  • Hello everyone,

    I wonder if you could offer some much needed advice.

    I am attempting to run a DTS package from an ASP page..simple enough. I have found the Microsoft KB article that clearly shows the code...

    I am trying to run the ASP page locally on my workstation with my local SQL (to test..).

    It is a simple package (export some data to excel) but it fails at the DataPump task.

    I've also read about the permission issues when running a package from a web page. But I'm stumped. It runs ok in EM.

    Are there any specific permission settings I need to deal with ????

    Many Thanks


  • What is the error message that the package fails with? Do you have Package Logging enabled? How does your ASP page connect to the SQL Server?

    Hope this helps

    Phill Carter


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Here's the code that connects to the database

    Const DTSSQLStgFlag_Default = 0

    Const DTSStepExecResult_Failure = 1

    Dim oPkg, oStep, sErr, bSuccess

    Dim sServer, iSecurity, sUID, sPWD, sPkgName, sPkgPWD

    ' Get Form Variables

    sServer = Request.Form("txtServer")

    iSecurity = CInt("0" & Request.Form("optSecurity"))

    sUID = Request.Form("txtUID")

    sPWD = Request.Form("txtPWD")

    sPkgName = Request.Form("txtPkgName")

    sPkgPWD = Request.Form("txtPkgPWD")

    ' Validate Variables

    If Len(sServer) = 0 Then sErr = "<li>Invalid Server Name"

    If iSecurity = 0 And Len(sUID) = 0 Then _

    sErr = sErr & "<li>Invalid Username for SQL Security"

    If Len(sPkgName) = 0 Then sErr = sErr & "<li>Invalid Package Name"

    If Len(sErr) = 0 Then

    Response.Write "<p>Executing " & sPkgName & " from " & sServer & "</p>"

    ' Load the Package

    Set oPkg = Server.CreateObject("DTS.Package")

    oPkg.LoadFromSQLServer sServer, sUID, sPWD, iSecurity , sPkgPWD, "", "", sPkgName

    ' Execute the Package


    bSuccess = True

    ' Report Step status

    For Each oStep In oPkg.Steps

    sErr = sErr & "<p> Step [" & oStep.Name & "] "

    If oStep.ExecutionResult = DTSStepExecResult_Failure Then

    sErr = sErr & " failed<br>"

    bSuccess = False


    sErr = sErr & " succeeded<br>"

    End If

    sErr = sErr & "Task """ & _

    oPkg.Tasks(oStep.TaskName).Description & """</p>"


    If bSuccess Then

    sErr = sErr & "<p>Package [" & oPkg.Name & "] succeeded</p>"


    sErr = sErr & "<p>Package [" & oPkg.Name & "] failed</p>"

    End If

    End If

    All I'm geeting is the page returning the status failed.

    I haven't got package logging turned on! When I try to turn it on, there is a message saying it only runs on an instance of SQL2000. I am running the 2k on my machine?? I am connecting to a SQL7 server with the package.

    Thanks again


  • Hello again,

    Well everything pointed to permission issues and it turns out to be a permission on a table.

    Thanks again


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