Log Shipping - The saga continues!

  • Hello,

    I am in Log Shipping hell. I thought log shipping was supposed to be so strait forward and easy!

    After setting up log shipping I have four databases that continue to try an load the first_file_000000000000.trn log, that is created when the plan is first initialized. It happens even though the backup/copy/loads are functioning successfully and according to the plan schedule, and this initial file doesn't even exist in the designated share because it's been deleted according to the log retention schedule. This is some crazy Microsoft crap! When are these people going to produce a utility that actually works? What else should I have expected.....Anyway, here is the error: It's like...tell me something I don't know, like why is this happening!

    [Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 4305: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The log in this backup set begins at LSN 33000000022600001, which is too late to apply to the database. An earlier log backup that includes LSN 33000000011800001 can be restored.

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]RESTORE LOG is terminating abnormally.

    Any help anyone can give would be greatly appreciated. Thank you much!

    Ren Flot

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  • Hi,

    I am new to the SQL Server 2000 Administration and still learning and I can understand by seeing that message what you have been going through. Believe me, I had the same problem, but finally I figured it out by myself. In order to perform a log shipping you need a full backup copy of the database and the transaction logs which are latest after the full backup. Once you restore the full backup, then apply the transaction logs in sequence...The problem is if you don't have the transaction logs in sequence the you'll end up with that message. In order to check the transaction log use the query analyzer and check the header information...

    RESTORE LOG <databasename> FROM DISK='<path of log file>'

    The above query will give you the header information stored in the transaction log. You should be interested in First LSN, Last LSN, Backup StartDate, Backup FinishDate and also the position column...In your situation you should be looking LSN 33000000011800001 in the First LSN column. If the first row in the header information is show this LSN number in the First LSN column then by using the above query, query the log file which is backed up earlier than this and follow the same procedure...once you get the very first LSN number in the First LSN column that's your required log file. Restore it from there using the position number in the backup set field in sequence till the last transaction log file...I hope this will solve your problem. In my case it did.


  • I also am a newbie, but I believe the command should be RESTORE HEADERONLY ......

    Check BOL.


  • My mistake, sorry for that.


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