Group by problem

  • I'm trying to convert another developer's Access query to a stored procedure or function.  In either case, I get an error about the Group By expressions needing to refer to column names that appear in the select list.  Is the problem with the aliased fields?  This works fine in Access, though I've changed Nz() to IsNull() and form references to variables.

    CREATE PROCEDURE [procPayroll_bell_trans_limo_bus_base]


      @CoCode varchar,

      @FmDate datetime,

      @ToDate datetime




    SELECT Daily_charter.Driver_no,  Daily_charter.Division_code, 

      Rates.Other_DOR_Code, Misc_entries.Value_num AS lb_percent,

      Daily_charter.Company, Daily_charter.Dor_date, 'COM1' AS comit, Misc_entries.Type,

      Sum(IsNull([Amount],0))-Sum(IsNull([Fuel_surcharge_amount],0)) AS lb_amount

    FROM (Daily_charter INNER JOIN Rates ON (Daily_charter.Rate = Rates.Rate) AND (Daily_charter.Division_code = Rates.Division_code)

      AND (Daily_charter.Company = Rates.Company_code)) INNER JOIN Misc_entries ON Rates.Company_code = Misc_entries.Company_code

    GROUP BY Daily_charter.Driver_no, Daily_charter.Division_code, Rates.Other_DOR_Code, Misc_entries.Value_num,

      Daily_charter.Company, Daily_charter.Dor_date, 'COM1', Misc_entries.Type

    HAVING Daily_charter.Division_code=1 AND Rates.Other_DOR_Code=41 AND

      Sum(IsNull([Amount],0))-Sum(IsNull([Fuel_surcharge_amount],0))<>0 AND

      Daily_charter.Company=@CoCode AND

      Daily_charter.Dor_date Between @FmDate And @ToDate AND





  • 'COM1' is a constant and so does not need to appear in the group by.

    Cursors never.
    DTS - only when needed and never to control.

  • Yeah the hard and fast rule for Group By is that the condition should include only database fields however you can use key words like ALL.


    Prasad Bhogadi

  • Thanks, that nailed it.

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