Help with multiple measures on columns in MDX

  • Hi All,

    I want to pull data from a cube via MDX such that I have one dimension on the rows, one dimension on the columns, and three measures (on the columns too?). For example, the following statement will give me Call Classes on the columns, Regions on the rows, and Call Count for a measure:

    SELECT [Call Class].Members ON COLUMNS

    [Regions].Members ON ROWS

    FROM BilledCallDetail

    WHERE ([Measures].[Call Count])

    What I need is to have not only call count show in the data portion of a grid but also two other measures - Amt & Minutes. Can anyone shed any light on this for me? When I put all three measures in the slicer, I get an error stating the tuple can't be resolved.

    Thank you,



  • Hi, try this:

    SELECT { CrossJoin( { [Call Class].Members },{ [Measures].[Call Count],[Measures].[Other Measure1],[Measures].[Other Measure2] } ) } ON COLUMNS

    { [Regions].Members } ON ROWS

    FROM BilledCallDetail


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • Thank you! That worked great!



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