Help - Conditional order by

  • I have query within a stored procedure which I wish to put a conditional order by on.  The extracted query is:



                    count(webusageid) as hits,

                    right(convert(varchar,[timestamp],106),8) as [month],


                    left(convert(varchar,[timestamp],112),6) as [month_order]


                    tbl_webusage inner join tbl_person

                    on tbl_webusage.personnelid = tbl_person.personnelid


                            tbl_webusage.projectcodeid = @project


                            ([timestamp] >  (@fromdate - 1)


                            @fromdate = '')


                            ([timestamp] <  (@todate + 1)


                            @todate = '')


                    (tbl_webusage.personnelid not in (select personnelid from

    tbl_projectperson where projectcodeid = @project)


                    @all = 1)

                    left outer join fisp_transfer.dbo.tbl_fisp_people fisp

                    on tbl_person.staff_number = fisp.emplid COLLATE


                    inner join tbl_menudisplay

                    on tbl_webusage.displayid = tbl_menudisplay.displayid

            group by





            order by

                    case when @orderby = 1 then [text] end asc,

                    case when @orderby = 2 then

    left(convert(varchar,[timestamp],112),6) end asc,

                    case when @orderby = 3 then deptid end asc,

                    case when @orderby = 0 then

    left(convert(varchar,[timestamp],112),6) end asc

    This produces an error Column name 'tbl_webusage.timestamp' is invalid in the ORDER BY clause because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

    I have tried adding count(timestamp) as dummy to the select list but I still get the above error message.  If I add timestamp to the group by it happily creates the procedure but obviously the returned select is not what I need.

    It was quite happy with my original query which was:



                    count(webusageid) as hits,

                    right(convert(varchar,[timestamp],106),8) as [month],


                    left(convert(varchar,[timestamp],112),6) as [month_order]


                    tbl_webusage inner join tbl_person

                    on tbl_webusage.personnelid = tbl_person.personnelid


                            tbl_webusage.projectcodeid = @project


                            ([timestamp] >  (@fromdate - 1)


                            @fromdate = '')


                            ([timestamp] <  (@todate + 1)


                            @todate = '')


                    (tbl_webusage.personnelid not in (select personnelid from

    tbl_projectperson where projectcodeid = @project)


                    @all = 1)

                    left outer join fisp_transfer.dbo.tbl_fisp_people fisp

                    on tbl_person.staff_number = fisp.emplid COLLATE


                    inner join tbl_menudisplay

                    on tbl_webusage.displayid = tbl_menudisplay.displayid

            group by





            order by 


    Does anybody know how I can convince SQL Server that it is a valid query?


  • Try this

    order by

          (case when @orderby = 1 then [text]

               when @orderby = 2 then left(convert(varchar,[timestamp],112),6)

        when @orderby = 3 then deptid

               when @orderby = 0 then left(convert(varchar,[timestamp],112),6) end)

    Note: If [text] is a text datatype column you cannot use it for ordering unless you convert to a a char or varchar datatype. Also ASC is default and understood.

    Also, although this works in may not be the best thing to do. If another application is pulling this data in and you are using a client side cursor (which I prefer for fairly small datasets) then consider using the Sort method in the ADO Recordet object.

  • No good - I still get the same error message.

  • Still doesn't work - I had tried the equivalent of that with count(timestamp) already but max didn't work either.

    I have created a view on the table so that my right(convert(varchar,[timestamp],106),8) and left(convert(varchar,[timestamp],112),6) are selected in the view so that I am just referring to the column names and it is a happy bunny.  The fact that technically there is no difference is annoying but there you go!


  • Try (explination after):



    count(webusageid) as hits,

    right(convert(varchar,[timestamp],106),8) as [month],


    left(convert(varchar,[timestamp],112),6) as [month_order]


    tbl_webusage inner join tbl_person

    on tbl_webusage.personnelid = tbl_person.personnelid


    tbl_webusage.projectcodeid = @project


    ([timestamp] > (@fromdate - 1)


    @fromdate = '')


    ([timestamp] < (@todate + 1)


    @todate = '')


    (tbl_webusage.personnelid not in (select personnelid from

    tbl_projectperson where projectcodeid = @project)


    @all = 1)

    left outer join fisp_transfer.dbo.tbl_fisp_people fisp

    on tbl_person.staff_number = fisp.emplid COLLATE


    inner join tbl_menudisplay

    on tbl_webusage.displayid = tbl_menudisplay.displayid

    group by





    case when @orderby = 1 then [text] end,

    case when @orderby = 2 then

    left(convert(varchar,[timestamp],112),6) end,

    case when @orderby = 3 then deptid end,

    case when @orderby = 0 then

    left(convert(varchar,[timestamp],112),6) end

    order by

    case when @orderby = 1 then [text] end asc,

    case when @orderby = 2 then

    left(convert(varchar,[timestamp],112),6) end asc,

    case when @orderby = 3 then deptid end asc,

    case when @orderby = 0 then

    left(convert(varchar,[timestamp],112),6) end asc

    If you use a case for some reason that case must also be in your group by. All your case statements resolve to nothing or something already grouped on, so adding the cases to your group should not change the results at all. You may take a performace hit but this should work.

    Thanks for the post, I didn't know that about case statements (which I use all the time.)

  • Thanks for that - that works!

    I have left the query using the view as I suspect you are right in that the above will be slower, but I was sure it could be acheived with a single query and hate being beaten 🙂

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