Closed Recordset returned?? WHY?

  • Hi, I have an ADO command object that calls a stored procedure passing in two parameters.

    when I call this stored procedure from query analyer it dutifully shows me the results set in the grid area.

    When I call this stored procedure from ADO it doesn't error out but it reports rs.fields.length=0 and anything I try to do to it returns a "can't when object is closed" error

    The stored procedure runs about 7 distinct jobs, one of which inserts values to a table Variable. The last action is a select against this table variable.

    Here is the proc in psuedo_code:

    set nocount on

    begin tran


       do stuff


       do stuff


       Do stuff inserting into @tblVar


       Do yet more stuff


    Commit or rollback

    select * from @tblVar


    That's about it, and as I say in query analyer I get a result set but via ADO I don't

    The command object documentation says:

    >>If it is a row-returning query, the results are stored in a new Recordset object. If it is not a row-returning query, the provider will return a closed Recordset object<<

    Could ADO somehow think it's a non-rowreturning operation?

    I'm not sure if the problem is in my T-SQL or my ADO.


    Here is the whole proc for those that have the stomach for it:

    CREATE proc sprocket_copycourse

    @srcCourseID int,

    @trgClientID int




    declare @SampleFilesDir varchar(100)

    declare @MediaFilesDir varchar(100)

    declare @ClientsDir varchar(100)

    declare @SampleCourseID int

    set @SampleCourseID = 78

    declare @trgCourseID int

    declare @srcClientDir varchar(50)

    declare @trgClientDir varchar(50)

    select @srcClientDir = (SELECT FROM dbo.Course INNER JOIN dbo.Client ON dbo.Course.client_fk = dbo.Client.uid WHERE (dbo.Course.uid = @srcCourseID))

    select @trgClientDir = (select from dbo.Client where uid = @trgClientID)

    begin tran

    --step 1

    insert into course SELECT @trgClientID, CourseName, TimeLimit, owner, CourseStatus_fk, toppic, toppich, toppicw, toppicalt, bottompic, bottompich, bottompicw, bottompicalt,

                          courseusername, coursepassword, hidecourseresults, showcoursereport, showcoursesignoff, completedlockout, description, intro, conclusion,

                          passpercent, showquestionpicture, showanswerpicture, autoplayansweraudio, autonext, moreinfo, askdemoquestions, publicmodule, contact,

                          recordtimetaken, reportsintrotext, insequence, insequencepass, shortname, author_fk, madelivedate, enrollreqd, fee, enrolluses, enrolldays,

                          usercategory, version, HideConclusionPageUntilDone, navBackground1, navBackground2, navText, navActionTextOver, isresources, mentor_fk,

                          shortdescription, sequence

      FROM  dbo.Course where uid = @srcCourseID

    set @trgCourseID = @@identity

    --copy resources

    insert into courseresources SELECT @trgCourseID, media_fk FROM dbo.courseresources WHERE  (course_fk = @srcCourseID)

    --step 2

    DECLARE @chpID int

    declare @trgChapterID int

    declare @prmChapterID int

    declare @srcMediaID int

    declare @trgMediaID int

    declare @srcMediaExt varchar(4)

    declare @cmd varchar(200)

    declare @TableVar table (

     srcMediaID int,

     trgMediaID int,

     srcMediaExt varchar(4)&nbsp

    DECLARE chapter_cursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT uid FROM chapter

    WHERE course_fk = @srcCourseID

    ORDER BY chaptersequence

    OPEN chapter_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM chapter_cursor

    into @chpID



     --copy a chapter at a time

     EXEC sprocket_copychapter @trgCourseID,@chpID, @prmChapterID  OUTPUT

     set @trgChapterID = @prmChapterID

     --this is for copying the sample course, should gain insight so I can copy any course between clients later.

     if @srcCourseID = @SampleCourseID


          --so if media is associated with with this chapter get info and save it to tblVar so that I can process outside of tran

     if exists (select chaptermedia_fk from chapter where uid= @trgChapterID)


         select @srcMediaID = (select chaptermedia_fk from chapter where uid= @trgChapterID)

         select @srcMediaExt = (select mediaext from mediabase where uid=@srcMediaID)

         --make new media row

         insert into mediabase SELECT mediasize, medialength, medialocalpath, medianame, mediaremoteurl, owner_fk, mediamimetype_fk, mediaext, mediatypename, displaywidth,

                           displayheight, shortname, author_fk, status_fk, keywords, usercategory, quizStorage, editable

        FROM dbo.mediabase where uid=@srcMediaID

         set @trgMediaID = @@identity

         --update the new chapter with the new mediaID

         update chapter set chaptermedia_fk = @trgMediaID where uid = @trgChapterID

         --store values for file copy outside of transaction

         insert into @TableVar (srcMediaID,trgMediaID,srcMediaExt) values (@srcMediaID, @trgMediaID,@srcMediaExt)



     --step 3

     exec sprocket_copyquestion @chpID, @trgChapterID, @trgCourseID 

       FETCH NEXT FROM chapter_cursor

       INTO @ChpID


    CLOSE chapter_cursor

    DEALLOCATE chapter_cursor

    declare @successreport int

    if (@@error <> 0)

     set @successreport = 0


     set @successreport = 1


    if @successreport = 0







      --if it's sample course then copy neccessary files

      if @srcCourseID = @SampleCourseID


       --update the paths of any img tags in the chapter

       declare @srcImgPath varchar(100)

       declare @trgImgPath varchar(100)

       set @srcImgPath = '/app1/clients/'+@srcClientDir

       set @trgImgPath = '/app1/clients/'+@trgClientDir

       update chapter set chapterinstructions=dbo.replace_regular_expression(chapterinstructions,@srcImgPath,@trgImgPath) where course_fk=@trgCourseID

       update chapter set quizintroductiontext=dbo.replace_regular_expression(quizintroductiontext,@srcImgPath,@trgImgPath) where course_fk=@trgCourseID

       update chapter set chapterintroductiontext=dbo.replace_regular_expression(chapterintroductiontext,@srcImgPath,@trgImgPath) where course_fk=@trgCourseID

       update question set questiontext =dbo.replace_regular_expression(questiontext,@srcImgPath,@trgImgPath) where course_fk=@trgCourseID

       update question set rightanswerdescription =dbo.replace_regular_expression(rightanswerdescription,@srcImgPath,@trgImgPath) where course_fk=@trgCourseID

       update question set wronganswerdescription =dbo.replace_regular_expression(wronganswerdescription,@srcImgPath,@trgImgPath) where course_fk=@trgCourseID

       update course set description =dbo.replace_regular_expression(description,@srcImgPath,@trgImgPath) where uid=@trgCourseID

       update course set intro =dbo.replace_regular_expression(intro,@srcImgPath,@trgImgPath) where uid=@trgCourseID




    SELECT * FROM @TableVar








    Dave IT Training B2B Marketplace
    (Jobs for IT Instructors)

  • Great article here about a problem returning a temp table from a stored procedure using OLEDB.  Sure seems to fit my problem, but Im still fighting with it.

    Dave IT Training B2B Marketplace
    (Jobs for IT Instructors)

  • I did a few tests:

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[tblVarTest] AS

    declare @TableVar table ( uid int)

    insert into @TableVar (uid) values (1)

    insert into @TableVar (uid) values (2)

    insert into @TableVar (uid) values (3)

    insert into @TableVar (uid) values (4)

    select * from @tableVar

    Generates the same error when called from ADO

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[tblVarTest] AS


    declare @TableVar table ( uid int)

    insert into @TableVar (uid) values (1)

    insert into @TableVar (uid) values (2)

    insert into @TableVar (uid) values (3)

    insert into @TableVar (uid) values (4)

    select * from @tableVar

    Does works with no error, however I still can't get my proc to work.  I have tried placing the statment at the top, just above the final select, and in both places but I still get the error.

    Any ideas welcome...





    Dave IT Training B2B Marketplace
    (Jobs for IT Instructors)

  • Had a brainwave this morning that since this proc calls two other proc's I should ensure that nocount is on in them as well. I had allot of hopes but they were dashed..same error.

    I am almost at wits end.  Doesn't help to have a conversation with myself in this forum. Guess I'll go post in


    Dave IT Training B2B Marketplace
    (Jobs for IT Instructors)

  • Leave the SET NOCOUNT ON active for the entire procedure...

    At the end of your procedure you reverse course by SET NOCOUNT OFF....this will give you the typical '55 records updated' message....which is the 1st recordset ADO thinks it is receiving....

    Alternatively you could do a getnextrecordset comand....and this should be the recordset containing your SELECT * FROM @Table data.


    Totally seperately....I'd advise you to move away from the use of cursors...the poor performance hit is astronomical compared to doing things set-based....which is what SQLServer is designed for.

    Unless you are comparing consecutative records together....99.9999% of the time there is no need for cursors and avoiding them will vastly improve the performance of your code.

  • or u can try...

    SELECT * FROM @TableVar


    instead of



    SELECT * FROM @TableVar


    Very much agree with Andrew on the last to points regarding the cursors and set-base

    Sachin Dedhia

  • Well

    Dave IT Training B2B Marketplace
    (Jobs for IT Instructors)

  • hmmm forum only giving me one line for my reply

    Dave IT Training B2B Marketplace
    (Jobs for IT Instructors)

  • thats better...

    well unfortunetly i think the fetch is neccessary and in this case probable more efficient then any sql statement that if even possible would have too many joins. The fetch set is only 10 - 30 records and this proc is only called when an account is created so it shouldn't be to often compared with other operations in the app.  Within the fetch loop I use the fetched value to check some conditions perform a number of inserts, an update and various selects.

    So looking back at the code I originaly posted and my now working code and it's hard for me to see all the differences. I think it was a combination of setting ansi warnings off and adding for read only to the cursor declarartion and open. Also not setting nocount off again as suggested.

    But now I am having another problem.  I am doing a statement like this:

    insert into A select replace(fld,@srcVal,@trgValue) from B where...

    when I call the proc from Query analyzer it runs fine, however when I call it from ADO OLEDB the fields using the replace() are NULL ???  (using the same account)

    My state of confusion returns....

    So my mostly working proc now looks like this:

    CREATE proc sprocket_copycourse

    @srcCourseID int,

    @trgClientID int




    declare @SampleCourseID int

    set @SampleCourseID = 78

    declare @trgCourseID int

    declare @srcClientDir varchar(16)

    declare @trgClientDir varchar(16)

    select @srcClientDir = (SELECT FROM dbo.Course INNER JOIN dbo.Client ON dbo.Course.client_fk = dbo.Client.uid WHERE (dbo.Course.uid = @srcCourseID))

    select @trgClientDir = (select from dbo.Client where uid = @trgClientID)

    declare @srcImgPath varchar(100)

    declare @trgImgPath varchar(100)

    set @srcImgPath = '/app1/clients/'+@srcClientDir

    set @trgImgPath = '/app1/clients/'+@trgClientDir

    begin tran

    --step 1

    insert into course SELECT @trgClientID, CourseName, TimeLimit, owner, CourseStatus_fk, toppic, toppich, toppicw, toppicalt, bottompic, bottompich, bottompicw, bottompicalt,

                          courseusername, coursepassword, hidecourseresults, showcoursereport, showcoursesignoff, completedlockout, replace([description],@srcImgPath, @trgImgPath),

      replace(intro,@srcImgPath, @trgImgPath),conclusion,  passpercent, showquestionpicture, showanswerpicture, autoplayansweraudio, autonext, moreinfo, askdemoquestions, publicmodule, contact,

                          recordtimetaken, reportsintrotext, insequence, insequencepass, shortname, author_fk, madelivedate, enrollreqd, fee, enrolluses, enrolldays,

                         usercategory, version, HideConclusionPageUntilDone, navBackground1, navBackground2, navText, navActionTextOver, isresources, mentor_fk,

                          shortdescription, [sequence]

      FROM  dbo.Course where uid = @srcCourseID

     set @trgCourseID = @@identity

    --copy resources

    insert into courseresources SELECT @trgCourseID, media_fk FROM dbo.courseresources WHERE  (course_fk = @srcCourseID)

    --going to need a list of these as well...

    --step 2

    DECLARE @chpID int

    declare @trgChapterID int

    declare @prmChapterID int

    declare @srcMediaID int

    declare @trgMediaID int

    declare @srcMediaExt varchar(4)

    declare @cmd varchar(200)

    declare @tblVar  table (srcID int,trgID int, Ext varchar(4))


    declare @chapter_cursor cursor

    SET @chapter_cursor = CURSOR FOR

    SELECT uid FROM chapter

    WHERE course_fk = @srcCourseID

    ORDER BY chaptersequence


    OPEN @chapter_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM @chapter_cursor

    into @chpID



    insert into chapter SELECT passrequired4complete, chaptername, chapterstatus_fk, chaptersequence, mediamimetype_fk, chaptermedia_fk, @trgCourseID,

     replace(chapterinstructions,@srcImgPath,@trgImgPath),  chapterconclusiontext, ap_lesson, allowcontinue, showqpic, ap_qaudio, autonext, showapic, ap_aaudio, showadesc, subtractwrong, mediaurl,

                 randomquestionorder, randomanswerorder, showquizresults, Prerequisitecomplete, Prerequisitepass, passpercent, shortname,

                 replace(chapterintroductiontext,@srcImgPath,@trgImgPath), replace(quizintroductiontext,@srcImgPath,@trgImgPath), noshowcheckanswer, noshowresults, noshowweight, noshowback, forcecorrect, savemethod_fk,

                 noshownext, noshownumberlist, quizlockout, noshowjumplist, onlyshowscorewhenmarked, Showpasspercentrequired, showpassfail,

     showmarkername, showmarkedstatus, Showscores, Showrightanswer, showquestioncorrectstatus, showquestionscore, showmarkercomment

     FROM  dbo.chapter where uid =@chpID

     set @trgChapterID = @@identity

     if @srcCourseID = @SampleCourseID


          --so if media is associated with with this chapter get info and save for later

        select @srcMediaID = (select chaptermedia_fk from chapter where uid= @trgChapterID)

        select @srcMediaExt = (select mediaext from mediabase where uid=@srcMediaID)

        --make new media row

        if @srcMediaID <> ''


       insert into mediabase SELECT mediasize, medialength, medialocalpath, [medianame], mediaremoteurl, owner_fk, mediamimetype_fk, mediaext, mediatypename, displaywidth,

                             displayheight, shortname, author_fk, status_fk, keywords, usercategory, quizStorage, editable

        FROM dbo.mediabase where uid=@srcMediaID

        set @trgMediaID = @@identity

       --update the new chapter with the new mediaID

       update chapter set chaptermedia_fk = @trgMediaID where uid = @trgChapterID

       --store values for file copy outside of transaction

       insert into @tblVar (srcID,trgID,Ext) values (@srcMediaID, @trgMediaID,@srcMediaExt)



     --step 3

     insert into question SELECT [sequence], shortname, questiontype_fk, replace(questiontext,@srcImgPath,@trgImgPath), answers, rightanswer, anyright, replace(rightanswerdescription,@srcImgPath,@trgImgPath), replace(wronganswerdescription,@srcImgPath,@trgImgPath),

                          rightanswernext, wronganswernext, weight, @trgCourseID, status_fk, qpic, @trgChapterID, qpich, qpicw, qpicalt, apic, apicfilename, apictype, apich, apicw,

                          apicalt, apic2, apic2h, apic2w, apic2alt, audio_question, audio_right, audio_wrong, audio_question_filename, audio_right_filename,

                          audio_wrong_filename, optionimage1, optionimage2, optionimage3, optionimage4, optionimagealt1, optionimagealt2, optionimagealt3,

                          optionimagealt4, questiongroup_fk, answerText, required

                    FROM         dbo.Question where  chapter_fk = @chpID

       FETCH NEXT FROM @chapter_cursor

       INTO @ChpID


    CLOSE @chapter_cursor

    DEALLOCATE @chapter_cursor

    declare @successreport int

    if (@@error <> 0)

     set @successreport = 0


     set @successreport = 1

    if @successreport = 0








    select * from @tblVar











    Dave IT Training B2B Marketplace
    (Jobs for IT Instructors)

  • Go back to basic debugging principles.....Put in some PRINT statements before the INSERT statement to check what you think is being replaced and what you think it is being replaced with.....

  • Yes I did that. The vars contain what they are supposed to. But the proc is working fine from query analyer only not from ADO.

    running this in qa performs the replaces as expected:

    exec sprocket_copycourse @srcCourseID=78,@trgClientID=160

    However from ASP ADO OLEDB

    oCommand.activeconnection = cn

       oCommand.commandtype = 4

       oCommand.commandtext = "sprocket_copycourse"

       oCommand.Parameters.Append oCommand.createparameter("@srcCourseID",3,1,4,78)

       oCommand.Parameters.Append oCommand.createparameter("@trgClientID",3,1,4,vnewlID)

       set rs = oCommand.execute

    Does everything correct except that the fields inserted using the replace() are NULL. All the other fields in the inserted record are fine.

    When running it from Query analyzer I log into the db with the same account I am using for the connection object.

    For the life of me I can't figure out why I should get different results with the same account simply by calling the proc from a different place.



    Dave IT Training B2B Marketplace
    (Jobs for IT Instructors)

  • Yes I did that. The vars contain what they are supposed to. But the proc is working fine from query analyer only not from ADO.

    running this in qa performs the replaces as expected:

    exec sprocket_copycourse @srcCourseID=78,@trgClientID=160

    However from ASP ADO OLEDB

    oCommand.activeconnection = cn

       oCommand.commandtype = 4

       oCommand.commandtext = "sprocket_copycourse"

       oCommand.Parameters.Append oCommand.createparameter("@srcCourseID",3,1,4,78)

       oCommand.Parameters.Append oCommand.createparameter("@trgClientID",3,1,4,vnewlID)

       set rs = oCommand.execute

    Does everything correct except that the fields inserted using the replace() are NULL. All the other fields in the inserted record are fine.

    When running it from Query analyzer I log into the db with the same account I am using for the connection object.

    For the life of me I can't figure out why I should get different results with the same account simply by calling the proc from a different place.



    Dave IT Training B2B Marketplace
    (Jobs for IT Instructors)

  • When you get different results in different environments, suspect some setting differs between the environments.  Try adding this at the beginning of your stored procedure:



  • Jonathan! You are the man! 


    Ya know after all the other troubles I had with this procedure I was almost all outta fight.  It was a fantastic learning event for me.  I have stuck to basic SQL statements for so long. It's fun getting into what you can do with T-SQL.

    my procedure is humming nicly and the feature is available to my users.




    Dave IT Training B2B Marketplace
    (Jobs for IT Instructors)

  • If you are doing multiple things in the stored procedure, it may actually be returning multiple recordsets and the results you are really looking for will have to be accessed using the NextRecordset property of the Recordset object.


    Set up  a  loop similiar to the following


       Set Rs = Rs.NextRecordset

       If Rs Is Nothing Then


       If Rs.State = adStateOpen Then

          If Rs.EOF = False Then

       End If

       End If

    Loop Until itemsRs Is Nothing Or foundItems = 1


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