backup filegroups

  • I am trying to backup several databases using Enterprise Manager, but the option to backup file and filegroup is grayed out.  Can anyone help?

  • Master, Msdb & tempdb do not allow it.

    Per INF: Restore File and Filegroup Backups in SQL Server

    SQL Server 7.0: This requires that the
    TruncateLogOnCheckpoint option is not set and that the
    transaction log backups are created in addition to the
    database or file and filegroup backups.SQL Server 2000: To
    create transaction log backups, you must use either the Full
    Recovery or Bulk-Logged Recovery models. For more
    information on recovery models, see SQL Server 2000 Books
    Online "Selecting a Recovery Model" topic.

    Also check article SQL Server Maintenance Wizard Does Not Allow Scheduled Filegroup or Differential Backups

    Good luck

    Jim P.

    A little bit of this and a little byte of that can cause bloatware.

  • Your reply helped a little bit, but now we have an error after choosing the filegroup option.  it reads:

    MICROSOFT SQL-DMO(ODBC SQLSTATE: 42000):  Cannot open backup device...device error or device offline.  See the SQL Server log for more details. Restore HEADERONLY is terminating abnormally.

    The log file essentially says the same thing.

  • What is the backup device? Tape? Disk?

    Is the device showing up in the EM under %Server% -> Management -> Backup?

    Jim P.

    A little bit of this and a little byte of that can cause bloatware.

  • We are using a disk for our backup.  The drive does not show up in Management -> Backup. 

    The fishy thing about this whole problem is that we created a blank DB from scratch and tried to back it up to this same drive.  It backed up with no problems, so I am thinking my error has something to do with the permissions set on the DB.  Any thoughts?

  • Just do a complete backup. Or is this DB that huge?

    It will ask you where you want to backup and what filename.

    Jim P.

    A little bit of this and a little byte of that can cause bloatware.

  • Make sure your database is not a simple recovery model. You can not use FG backup for a simple recovery model database



  • you cant take backup of filegroup or files in EM. you will have to do that in query analyzer. like this


    backup database <DBName> FILE = 'your logi filename',

       FILEGROUP = 'your filegroypname ' to disk='Path'


    but remember after taking the file or filegroup you have to take the log backup. and you cant take these backyps if your database is in SIMPLE recovery nmodel.




  • You sure can take the file backup in the EM. You just have to specify which FG or File you want to take the backup. Don’t forget to take the T-Log back up or a File incremental back up after a File backup


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