OLAP CUBE: Do someone have the patience to explain

  • Do someone have the patience to explain?

    I´m a beginner with SQL Datawarehousing.

    I am working in Sweden for a pracitical training. I have to analys the existing DWH with OLAP, but I don´t succeed. I established the connection between the Database and the Analysis Manager with ODBC. But if i try to define a cube with the editor or the wizard I always get some error messages:

    Processing Cube 'TV_Order' failed. No changes have been made to the database.

    Data source provider error: ; Time:2004-07-29 10:46:23

    Error(-2147221411): Process operation failed; Time:2004-07-29 10:46:23

    I updated the OLAP component of MS SQL with SP3 but it didn´t solve my problem.

    Could someone explain how i can define a cube... or what i have to consider if i want to??

    My tables are TV_Order as fact table and tabStål as dimension table?

    In the tabStål table is "Kod" the primary key. This primary key is the connection to the TV_Order table which has UniqTvTv as primary key.

    Through the tabstål table i am able to create several dimensions, but i can´t process the dimension, just get the same error messages again.

    Would really appreciate if somebody could examine the situation and give some advices.

    Thanks Jan

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  • Hi Jan,

    In order to get more detail on the specific error, have you enabled logging on the OLAP server?  After you have enabled logging, you may get more detail on what is happening.

    Can you give us more information, such as: MSAS Version & Service Pack, Windows OS version, Data Source for the Dimension & cube, etc.


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