Under what scenario the Number of rows in index pages will be greater than Number of Rows in databases?

  • Hi,

      we have found in some of the heap tables the no. of rows in the index pages(_WA_SYS_ System created statistics(non clustered indexes))  is greater than no of rows in the data pages. what is the root cause for this increase in the row count in index pages?

    How to bring this to normal ie., rows in the data pages greater than or equal to rows in the index pages

    I have already executed DBCC DBREINDEX,update statistics, dbcc updateusage commands on this tables but there is no improvement.


    Awaiting for your replies with anticipation




  • It shouldn't create more rows (at least not that I have ever seen or can recall running across before). How are you determining rows in the index also?

  • The output of the sysindexes table is as follows here we found the no. of rows in the data pages (indid =0) is less than the index pages(indid =2 and indid =3 (non clustered indexes)).(since we have droped all the statistics we are not able to give that value)


    indid  Index Name       dpages      reserved       used     rows

    0      CALC_RESULT           767       1753          914    17220 

    2        PKCALCRESULT        82          88             84    18336 

    3     FKCALRESHEADER        60          40            37    18336 

    let us know the cause of above scenario




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