Transaction Log size getting bigger?

  • My database size is 16 GB, but log size is getting bigger and bigger 15 GB.

    What should i do reduce the size without loosing any can i do this please suggest


  • First of all check to see how much of the log is being used

    dbcc sqlperf(logspace)

    If the logspace is heavilly utilised then I'd look at setting up maintanance plan to backup up you logs on a regulare basis.


  • The transaction log grows with every DELETE, INSERT, or UPDATE (in other words ANY transaction) that you do to the data.

    You can SHRINK the transaction log.

    You can TRUNCATE the transaction log.

    You can ignore it and let it grow.

    BTW-do you backup your transaction log? If not, then switch your recovery mode to simple and ignore it.

    But, if you need to be able to do a up-to-the-minute restore, then you need the transaction log and need to be backing it up.

    Refer to the BOL for more information about the Transaction Log and how to handle it.

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