MDX Express to count only Non- NULL records

  • Hello:

     I am trying to compute the Averages of the Sales_amounts, Sales_Margins, Sales_Markups.

    These measures are present in the Fact Table.  I've dimensions are as usual--based on geography, Time, Tool_Type, Tool_Purchase_Type.

    The only caveat is that there could be some nulls for records of Sales_Amounts, sales_Margins or even Sales_Markups and also sometimes Zero as the value. I shouldn't consider the records with NULL values but should consider the cells with Zero for counting and for averages. If I consider the cells with Nulls, that would distort my averages.

      I tried to use count(Geography_ID) in memebr properties and populated a field in Measures table, but I believe that count takes into account

      even the cells with Null value. So, this doesn't help me at all.

       I computed Count = count(Geography_Id) separately and then computed average using

       [Measures].[Sale Amount]/[Measures].[Count].

      Can I anyway use Avg(Descendants([Time].[2005],[Quarter]),Measures.Sales_Amount).

       It gives me a syntax error. I guess I'm going wrong some where.


      I read about ExcludeEmpty option in Columns, but faced with syntax problems. I guess I had somewhere wrong.

       Any help is highly appreciated.




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  • Hi,

    there is syntax mistake in


    it should be [Measures].[Sales_Amount]


    if you want to avoid nulls and zeros in calculating Avg then use filter.


    You can use following two methods to calculate Avg










    Note: Make changes according to your requirment.This is genralized expression for all year's quarter.



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