Multiple Records on one page

  • I've got a requirement to show a single page report with 5 records (always 5, last five Interest Rate entries) in columns like:

    12/15/2005 12/07/2005 11/23/2005 11/17/2005 11/10/2005

    1.23 3.45 2.14 1.34 1.76

    etc on down the page.

    Each column is a seperate row in the data source. Is there a way to reference the actual rows in the table, or a way to get a table instead of displaying the data vertically, horizontally???

  • select top 5 date, interest_rate from table

    order by date desc


  • Right, that gets me the Top 5 records.  Simple.  Now, how does one go about displaying the records across the page in columns?

    My solution is 5 data sets, With a SQL stmt something like this

    Select top 1 from (Select Top 5 from database order by date desc) order by date

    This picks the top 5 by date, then when re-sorting in descending date order, the top one is the 5th record. 

    With this I am able to list each record seperately, with proper placement on the page.

  • If you wanting something like the following then do use the table or list control?

    Date                  Interest Rate

    12/15/2005          1.23

    12/07/2005          3.45

    11/23/2005          2.14

    11/17/2005          1.34

    11/10/2005          1.76

    Or do you want the date to be the column heading and the interest rate the row data? If so, then use the matrix control.


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