Inner Join or Subquery

  • Hi guyz, please see if you can help me....

    I have the following query which joins 4 tables.

    SELECT  A.julian_month,  B.month_year, C.lienholder, C.product_credit_type             

    FROM  A INNER JOIN B ON  A.Orig_Day_Key = B.Day_Key           

    INNER JOIN C ON  A.Requested_Product_Key = C.Product_Key           

    INNER JOIN D ON  A.Application_Key = D.Application_Key           

    INNER JOIN E ON  B.Julian_Month = E.Julian_Month            


    WHERE D.valid_application_flag = 'Y'

    Now if I rewrite this query by using a subquery instead of a Join to the 'D' table, the query takes half the time to execute.

    SELECT  A.julian_month,  B.month_year, C.lienholder, C.product_credit_type   AS Requested_Product_Credit_Type, C.Period             

    FROM  A INNER JOIN B ON  A.Orig_Day_Key = B.Day_Key           

    INNER JOIN C ON  A.Requested_Product_Key = C.Product_Key            

    INNER JOIN E ON  B.Julian_Month = E.Julian_Month           


    WHERE  A.Application_Key In (Select Application_Key From D

    Where valid_application_flag = 'Y')

    Now my question is, is there any issue in using a subquery instead of an Inner Join here? Also is there any chance that it will affect the functionality in the future (because there is one more join after the 'D' table Join).

    Thanks in advance.....


  • In the second query you can replace

    WHERE  A.Application_Key In (Select Application_Key From peoplefirst_datawarehouse.dbo.application    

    Where valid_application_flag = 'Y')

    WHERE  EXISTS (Select Application_Key From peoplefirst_datawarehouse.dbo.application    

    Where valid_application_flag = 'Y' AND Application_key=A.Application_Key)

    *note your second query is more like

    SELECT  A.julian_month,  B.month_year, C.lienholder, C.product_credit_type             

    FROM  A INNER JOIN B ON  A.Orig_Day_Key = B.Day_Key           

    INNER JOIN C ON  A.Requested_Product_Key = C.Product_Key           

    INNER JOIN D ON  A.Application_Key = D.Application_Key           

    AND D.valid_application_flag = 'Y'

    INNER JOIN E ON  B.Julian_Month = E.Julian_Month            

    which makes a differences because the join (first) & where (after all joins) are evaluated at a different time although the results are the same.

  • >>Now my question is, is there any issue in using a subquery instead of an Inner Join here?

    There is a huge difference depending on the cardinality of the data.

    If table D does not have unique values for Application_Key, then the 2 queries will produce a different result set, which may be the reason for the performance difference.

  • Hi OldHand, Thnx for the reply...

    Do u mean to say to rewrite the query like this?

    SELECT  A.julian_month,  B.month_year, C.lienholder, C.product_credit_type   AS Requested_Product_Credit_Type, C.Period            

    FROM  A INNER JOIN B ON  A.Orig_Day_Key = B.Day_Key           

    INNER JOIN C ON  A.Requested_Product_Key = C.Product_Key           

    INNER JOIN E ON  B.Julian_Month = E.Julian_Month

    WHERE  EXISTS (Select Application_Key From peoplefirst_datawarehouse.dbo.application    

    Where valid_application_flag = 'Y' AND Application_key=A.Application_Key)

    What is the advantage of using Where Exists here? I tried it this way & it is taking more time to execute this query now.

  • PW, Application_Key is the primary key on table 'D'. So it will have unique values. Will the new query make an issue now?

  • >>What is the advantage of using Where Exists here?

    The advantage probably only appears once you reach a certain volume of data being returned from the IN () sub-query. How many applications are currently in table D with valid_application_flag = 'Y'  ? How many do you foresee being in there in the future ?

  • Currently, there are 7333689 rows in table 'D' with 'valid_application_flag' = Y.

    This can increase in the future...


    I am just concerned with this....

    If we see the sequence of execution of statements in the first query,

    SELECT A.julian_month, B.month_year, C.lienholder, C.product_credit_type

    FROM A INNER JOIN B ON A.Orig_Day_Key = B.Day_Key

    INNER JOIN C ON A.Requested_Product_Key = C.Product_Key

    INNER JOIN D ON A.Application_Key = D.Application_Key

    INNER JOIN E ON B.Julian_Month = E.Julian_Month

    WHERE D.valid_application_flag = 'Y'

    1. A is joined with B

    2. B is joined with C

    3. A is joined with D

    4. B is joined with E

    5. The resultset is Filtered with the 'Where' clause (WHERE D.valid_application_flag = 'Y').

    Now in the query, which I rewrote,

    SELECT A.julian_month, B.month_year, C.lienholder, C.product_credit_type AS Requested_Product_Credit_Type, C.Period

    FROM A INNER JOIN B ON A.Orig_Day_Key = B.Day_Key

    INNER JOIN C ON A.Requested_Product_Key = C.Product_Key

    INNER JOIN E ON B.Julian_Month = E.Julian_Month

    WHERE A.Application_Key In (Select Application_Key From D

    Where valid_application_flag = 'Y')

    the sequence will be like this...

    1. A is joined with B

    2. B is joined with C

    3. B is joined with E

    4. The resultset is then Filtered with the 'Where' clause (WHERE A.Application_Key In (Select Application_Key From D Where valid_application_flag = 'Y')).

    Im just worried, whether this will affect the functionality, because the sequence of operation is not the same in both the cases..... I am getting the same results in both cases though.

    I dont have much idea about the sequence in which the Joins, subqueries and  'Where' clause are executed.. Thanks....

  • sequence:

    shopping cart : adding things that are in promotion and minimum profit 5 $

    insert into shopping_cart

    from promotion

    inner join articles on and>5$

    ->before adding it filters all promotions that has a discount>5 (no items to check afterwards)

    insert into shopping_cart

    from promotion

    inner join articles on


    ->adds all promotions (->lot more items)

    ->once filled,check if the discount>5 (if not take it out the shopping cart)


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