Index Fragmentation

  • I have two indexes   on  table(sql server 2000).Both of the indexes

    are non cluster.The fill factor for both the indexes is 80.

    The scan density for table is 100 and for the indexes

    are 50. I drop the index completly and then recreate but

    still the scan density of the indexes still same.

    When i changed the index on primary to cluster the scan

    density of that index become 100. As soon as changed it back to non cluster the scan density become 50.

    I even shrink the  file group for the index. but still the same result.I am out of ideas.

    Any suggestions.




  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Can you post the dbcc showcontig info for the table..


    And also the structure of the table and indexes in it..


    krishnan kaniappan


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