SQL Login User

  • How can I find when a particular SQL Login has last logged into SQL Server?

  • Either run a trace to audit log ins and log outs or create application functionality for particular application.

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • Thanks Yelena. Is there a tutorial to quickly setup a trace to audit log ins and log outs?

  • I am not sure. I used BOL articles:


    and a couple of ones it refers to:



    The last one lists events so you can use only events that you need. Here is an example of Login monitoring. You may select to use less events or fields. This code is pretty much commented, I did it once for myself.

    After you run a trace you will use Query Analyzer to select from the trace. Use your path.

    select DatabaseId, Hostname, LoginName, NTUserName, NTDomainName, ApplicationName, StartTime, EndTime

    from ::fn_trace_gettable('E:\TraceFiles\Trace1.trc',default)


    --Script Starts Here:

    --This is a trace to monitor user access

    --@RC return value. See a list of values in BOL sp_trace_create topic

    --@TraceID assigned by SQL Server

    --@options=2 means Trace_File_Rollover

    --@tracefile=N'E:\TraceFiles\Trace1' the location of the trace file

    --@maxfilesize=20 (MB, default = 5)

    --@stoptime=getdate()+5 stop 5 days from the start time



    --Declaring variables


    DECLARE @rc int, @Trace_ID int, @onswitch BIT, @stop datetime, @maxsize bigint


    --Creating a trace


    select @stop=getdate()+10

    select @maxsize=5

    EXEC @rc = sp_trace_create @traceid=@Trace_ID output,

     @options=2, @tracefile=N'E:\TraceFiles\Trace1',@maxfilesize=@maxsize, @stoptime = @stop


    --Returning Trace_ID


    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC = @rc

    SELECT  @onswitch = 1


    -- Adding events to the trace


    -- @on specifies if the event is on in this trace


    -- @eventid = Is the ID of the event to turn on. event_id is int, with no default

    -- 14 Login

    -- 15 Logout

    -- 20 Login Failed

    -- 12 Batch Completed


    -- @columnid=Is the ID of the column to be added for the event. column_id is int, with no default

    -- 1 Text Data

    -- 3 DatabaseID

    -- 6 NTUserName

    -- 7 NTDomainName

    -- 8 ClientHostName

    -- 9 ClientProcessID

    -- 10 ApplicationName

    -- 11 SQLSecurityLoginName

    -- 14 StartTime

    -- 15 EndTime

    -- 35 DatabaseName 

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =14, @columnid = 1, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC14_3 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =14, @columnid = 3, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC14_3 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =14, @columnid = 6, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC14_6 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =14, @columnid = 7, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC14_7 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =14, @columnid = 8, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC14_8 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =14, @columnid = 9, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC14_9 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =14, @columnid = 10, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC14_10 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =14, @columnid = 11, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC14_11 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =14, @columnid = 14, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC14_14 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =14, @columnid = 15, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC14_15 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =14, @columnid = 35, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC14_35 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =15, @columnid = 1, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC14_3 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =15, @columnid = 3, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC15_3 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =15, @columnid = 6, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC15_6 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =15, @columnid = 7, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC15_7 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =15, @columnid = 8, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC15_8 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =15, @columnid = 9, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC15_9 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =15, @columnid = 10, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC15_10 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =15, @columnid = 11, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC15_11 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =15, @columnid = 14, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC15_14 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =15, @columnid = 15, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC15_15 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =15, @columnid = 35, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC15_35 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =20, @columnid = 1, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC14_3 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =20, @columnid = 3, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC20_3 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =20, @columnid = 6, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC20_6 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =20, @columnid = 7, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC20_7 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =20, @columnid = 8, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC20_8 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =20, @columnid = 9, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC20_9 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =20, @columnid = 10, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC20_10 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =20, @columnid = 11, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC20_11 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =20, @columnid = 14, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC20_14 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =20, @columnid = 15, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC20_15 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =20, @columnid = 35, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC20_35 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =12, @columnid = 1, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC12_1 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =12, @columnid = 3, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC12_3 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =12, @columnid = 6, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC12_6 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =12, @columnid = 7, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC12_7 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =12, @columnid = 8, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC12_8 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =12, @columnid = 9, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC12_9 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =12, @columnid = 10, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC12_10 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =12, @columnid = 11, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC12_11 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =12, @columnid = 12, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC12_3 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =12, @columnid = 13, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC12_3 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =12, @columnid = 14, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC12_14 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =12, @columnid = 15, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC12_15 = @rc

    exec @rc=sp_trace_setevent @traceid=@Trace_ID, @eventid =12, @columnid = 35, @on=@onswitch

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC12_35 = @rc

    -- Set the Filter

    -- @columnid = 3 DatabaseID

    -- @logical_operator = 0 AND  = 1 OR

    -- @comparison_operator = 0 EQUAL

    -- @value = 8 and @value = 11 for MyDB1 and MyDB2


    EXEC @rc = sp_trace_setfilter @traceid =@Trace_ID , @columnid = 3, @logical_operator = 0, @comparison_operator = 0, @value = 8

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC_Filter_1 = @rc

    EXEC @rc = sp_trace_setfilter @traceid =@Trace_ID , @columnid = 3, @logical_operator = 1, @comparison_operator = 0, @value = 11

    SELECT TraceID = @Trace_ID, RC_Filter_1 = @rc

    -- Start Trace (status 1 = start)

    exec @rc = sp_trace_setstatus @Trace_ID, 1

    SELECT Trace_Start_Status=@RC


    Regards,Yelena Varsha

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