Correlated Query Problem

  • Hi,

    I have a table with the following columns:

    TransID int

    TransDate datetime

    SocietyID int

    TransType varchar(10)

    MobileNo varchar(20)

    Amount int

    and I want to return a "statement" from the table showing the TransDate, MobileNo, Amount and Balance so I ran the following query:

    Select t1.transid,







    from acc_transaction t1, acc_transaction t2

    where t1.TransID >= t2.TransID

    group by t1.TransID

    having t1.SocietyID = 1

    order BY t1.TransDate

    but it's not calculating the balance correctly. What am I doing wrong? Also, rather than listing each TransID, I would like to group the results by date and just print one line per date rather than TransID. I'm going round in circles (like my query!!)

    Please help,


  • You should get an error message when you execute the sql above, I think...

    Anyway, could you post some test data along with the expected result of the query you are looking for?


  • Hi,

    Table Data (disappeared down the page):

    TransID TransDate SocietyID TransType MobileNo Amount
    1 20-Dec-05 1 Lodge 12345 100
    2 20-Dec-05 1 Withdraw 12345 -10
    3 21-Dec-05 1 Withdraw 12345 -5
    4 22-Dec-05 1 Lodge 12345 50
    5 23-Dec-05 1 Withdraw 12345 -5

    Expected results:

    TransDate SocietyID TransType Amount Balance
    20-Dec-05 1 Lodge 100 100
    20-Dec-05 1 Withdraw -10 90
    21-Dec-05 1 Withdraw -5 85
    22-Dec-05 1 Lodge 50 135
    23-Dec-05 1 Withdraw -5 130
  • How about this?


    declare @acc_transaction table(

      TransID int,

      TransDate datetime,

      SocietyID int,

      TransType varchar(10),

      MobileNo varchar(20),

      Amount int


    insert @acc_transaction select 1, '20-Dec-05', 1, 'Lodge', 12345, 100

    insert @acc_transaction select 2, '20-Dec-05', 1, 'Withdraw', 12345, -10

    insert @acc_transaction select 3, '21-Dec-05', 1, 'Withdraw', 12345, -5

    insert @acc_transaction select 4, '22-Dec-05', 1, 'Lodge', 12345, 50

    insert @acc_transaction select 5, '23-Dec-05', 1, 'Withdraw', 12345, -5

    select a1.TransDate, a1.SocietyID, a1.TransType, a1.Amount, sum(a2.Amount) as Balance

    from @acc_transaction a1 inner join @acc_transaction a2 on a1.TransID >= a2.TransID

    group by a1.TransDate, a1.SocietyID, a1.TransType, a1.Amount


  • Hi Jesper,

    Yes, that's it, thanks. I think I was confusing myself by putting TransDates in the table out of sequence with the TransID

    Thanks again,


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