Order by Multiple Collate ??

  • Hi

    I'm hoping someone can lead me to the right solution.

    I have a system containing multiple languagedata. My big problem is that I can not sort them in alfabetic order depending on the language I want to sort on.


    I have a table "Alfa" with A Column Letter

    The table contains 5 rows

    ö, ä, a, b, å

    Then I need to something like this (will be usp with parameter i the future)

    declare @lang varchar(3)

    set  @lang='Dan'

    select   Letter from  Alfa  order by (case  when @lang= 'Dan' then (Letter collate Danish_Norwegian_CS_AS) else Letter end)


    When @lang is Dan The result should be : a, b, ä, ö, å 

    Else The result should be : a, b, å, ä, ö (Finnish_Swedish_CS_AS)

    How do you do it if you would like to sort in other alfabetic orders in the future, multiple COLLATE in Order by doesn't work?.







  • Hi

    I found a solution that I think didn't cost to much performance

    select Letter from Alfa


    (case when @lang= 'Swe' then Letter collate Finnish_Swedish_CI_AS else NULL end)

    ,(case when @lang= 'Dan' then Letter collate Danish_Norwegian_CS_AS else NULL end)

    If someone has a better solution, feel free to tell me



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