SQL 2005 Installation

  • Remote Installation of 2005 and all components;

    I copied the SQL 2005 Standard  (2 cd's) on to my network shared drive. 

    1) I installed the service components first using 1st CD folder.

    2) I installed the client component next from 2nd CD folder.

    3) I do not see components in start menu from the desktop.

    4) I tried to re-install the client component from 1st CD folder.

    5) Server comes back and indicated the components already installed.

    6) Yet I cannot find the components anywhere on the computer.

    7) I am completely clue less.

    8) PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Not sure if this will help, but make sure you log on to the server through the Console session. Do a Start, Run, and type MSTSC /CONSOLE enter.

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