Searching a varchar column with multiple wildcards

  • I need to do multiple wild card searches in a table with a large varchar column.  A web page will send my stored procedure a delimited string of words.  I  parse out each word into a temp table, and then use a LIKE operator in the WHERE clause to test each word with a separate SELECT statement.  I have worked out a method, but I can't test it very well because I don't have much data yet, just a little bit that I was able to poke in myself.  Is this an OK method, or can someone share a better way?  We do not have full text indexing turned on for this server.

    Here is the description of the table to be searched (about 10,000 rows):

    CREATE TABLE Course (

     CourseID int IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

     SAPObjectID int NOT NULL ,

     LongTitle varchar (50)  NOT NULL ,

     ShortTitle char (10)  NOT NULL ,

     MinStudents smallint NOT NULL ,

     MaxStudents smallint NOT NULL ,

     OptimumStudents smallint NOT NULL ,

     Author varchar (50)  NOT NULL ,

     Certificate char (10)  NULL ,

     CEUs char (5)  NOT NULL ,

     Cost char (10)  NULL ,

     InstructionLength char (10)  NOT NULL ,

     OrgUnit char (10)  NOT NULL ,

     CourseDesc varchar (8000)  NOT NULL ,

     IsEligEdReimburse bit NOT NULL ,

     SelfEnrollment bit NOT NULL ,

     DisplayTMSSearch bit NOT NULL ,

     HasPrerequisites bit NOT NULL ,

     Sponsor varchar (50)  NOT NULL ,

     SMUDPaid char (10)  NOT NULL ,

     SubjectAreaID int NOT NULL ,

     SupervisorApprovalReqd bit NOT NULL ,

     OnRegisterNotifySupervisor bit NULL ,

     VendorID int NOT NULL ,

     CategoryID int NOT NULL ,

     IsActive bit NOT NULL ,

     LastUpdated smalldatetime NOT NULL ,

     LastUpdatedBy char (7)  NOT NULL ,

     AllowWaitingList bit NOT NULL ,

     AllowInterestList bit NOT NULL ,

     AllowSelfCancel bit NOT NULL ,

     CompletionPassFail bit NOT NULL ,

     CompletionGrade bit NOT NULL ,

     CompletionPercent bit NOT NULL ,

     ClassEnrollLockDays smallint NOT NULL ,

     ActivatedDate smalldatetime NULL ,

     ActivatedBy char (7)  NULL ,

     DeactivatedDate smalldatetime NULL ,

     DeactivatedBy char (7)  NULL )

    -----------  here is the proc so far


     @CourseDesc varchar(1000)


    DECLARE @CourseDescArray TABLE (ElementID smallint, Element varchar(50))

     -- this table will be loaded with course and session (if any are scheduled) data

    DECLARE @searchresults TABLE (

     RowID smallint IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL,

     CourseID int NOT NULL,

     CourseLongTitle varchar(50) NOT NULL,

     CourseDescBlurb varchar(100) NOT NULL,

     SessionID int NOT NULL,

     SessionLocation varchar(50) NOT NULL,

     SessionStartDate smalldatetime,

     SessionEndDate smalldatetime


    SET @CourseDesc = LTRIM(RTRIM(@CourseDesc))

    IF ( LEN(@CourseDesc) > 0 )


     -- split the Course description words into a table variable

      INSERT INTO @CourseDescArray (ElementID, Element)

      SELECT ElementID, Element FROM SplitWords(@CourseDesc, '~') ORDER BY ElementID

     -- count the words returned


     -- get Courses that match the course description words

      SET @i = 1

      WHILE (@i <= @CourseDescCount)

      BEGIN  -- loop through @CourseDescArray

        SELECT @Like = '%' + Element + '%' FROM @CourseDescArray WHERE ElementID = @i

        INSERT INTO @searchresults (


     CourseLongTitle, -- varchar(50) NOT NULL,

     CourseDescBlurb, -- varchar(100) NOT NULL,

     SessionID, -- int NOT NULL,




        SELECT CourseID, LongTitle, SUBSTRING(CourseDesc, 1, 50), 0, '', 19000101, 19000101

          FROM dbo.Course

         WHERE CourseDesc LIKE @Like

        SET @i = @i + 1


    I would appreciate any input.  Thanks.

    There is no "i" in team, but idiot has two.
  • If you're going to execute this sproc for every web request, you might like to move parsing the course results out somewhere else -- they only need to be reparsed when the courses are edited, rather than every time someone executes the search.

  • To avoid the loop you could use the following:

    select ....

    from Course C

    inner join @CourseDescArray CDA

    on substring (CDA.element,C.CourseDesc)>0

  • Same script but no loops:

    SELECT CourseID, LongTitle, SUBSTRING(CourseDesc, 1, 50), 0, '', 19000101, 19000101

          FROM dbo.Course C

          INNER JOIN @CourseDescArray A on C.CourseDesc LIKE '%'+A.Element+'%'

         GROUP BY CourseID, LongTitle, SUBSTRING(CourseDesc, 1, 50)

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Thanks, that's a much better way than the loop.

    There is no "i" in team, but idiot has two.

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