Script Wizard not allowing all choices...

  • After opening a database and right-clicking to choose script and the Wizard opening I have chosen a database to script from. On the next screen: Choose script options there is an option for generating DROPS and CREATES and evn though it is stated that you can choose to script BOTH DROPS and CREATES, it is not an option in the drop down. Has anyone else come across this. I am using the release version of SQL2005.

  • I do not get a wizard... when I right click on the database name (in SSMS) I am given the "Script DB as" and then another drop down to "Create to" or "Drop to", and from there the choice of "New Query Editor Window", "File", or "clipboard"...  not sure where you are could you provide more detail please?


    david russell

  • Right-click a database, go to TASKS, to GENERATE SCRIPTS, this gets you the Script Wizard, click NEXT, choose a DB, NEXT, Script Behavior is about 6 or 7 rows down, click in the box and you will see the choices to generate CREATES, generate DROPS, and hopefully YOU will see generate DROPS and then CREATES as indicated in dialog text box of choices. I do not have the option of creating both sets of statements in one run of the wizard. Wondering if everyone else sees the same thing I do here... or has any ideas on how to make this a smoother process

  • I see the same thing you do.  The first time I ran creates, the second I ran drops.  Perhaps it is because you really do not want drops the first time you run a script - except for the if exists logic is there that would keep them from throwing errors the first time through.  But at least I see the same thing.  The wizard is pretty slick.  Thanks for pointing me to it.  I can see times when that will come in handy.


    david russell

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