Query analyzer connection issues

  • Ok...check this...I can open Query analyzer(QA) and connect to any of our SQL servers just fine. I can do EVERYTHING/ANYTHING i need/want to do.

    HOWEVER...if i'm idle for too long or if i minimize QA and then bring it back up and attempt to expand a database object,(SP,view, usertables etc.etc )i get a box that says....

    "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Communication Link Failure]

    Would you like to reconnect?"

    I click yes and it works fine again until i'm either idle for too long or i minimize it...

    I'm thinking possible service thats not running or something....any help or pointers will be very appreciated...


  • May be you can check QA -- Tools -- Options -- Connections

    Just check that, if anything is different, Click Reset All Button.  But I am not sure whether it works or anything you need to set for sp_configure.


  • Didnt Help...still seems to lose connection after being idle...

  • try running this from the command prompt when you leave QA idle.

    ping -t [MY_SQL_SERVER]

    This will constantly send pings to the server.  If it keeps getting consistent replies but your connetion still drops out after so many minutes of SQL Server traffic, then you have some sort of SQL Server issue.   Perhaps try chaning from TCP -> Named Pipes or vice-versa.

    However, if the pings fail, then you have a networking issue and your SQL troubles are merely a symptom.

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