Internal Sql Error

  • I am getting this error:


    Server: Msg 8624, Level 16, State 1, Line 67

    Internal SQL Server error.


    The update ststements looks like:


    UPDATE tableA

    SET tableA.Column1 =  


         WHEN tableB.Column1 IS NULL AND @ForceUpdate = 0

         THEN tableA.Column1

         ELSE ltrim(rtrim(tableB.Column1))



    .. For 20 columns


    FROM tableA

     INNER JOIN TableB


    INNER JOIN tableC

     ON <join criteria>

    WHERE .....


    The line 67 is the line where the UPDATE keyword is. I have seen this problem on and off for the past several months. It only seems to affect the databases in 1 of several servers. Today it is only affecting 1 database out of 50 on that server. In the past I have solved this problem by removing semi-reduntant indexes. Unfortunatly, I am running out of indexes, and all the indexes and tables ar ethe same accross all the databases.

    Any ideas?

  • A search on turns up quite a few hits for 8264 internal sql server error as the search query. Several look like they might apply to your situation.

    K. Brian Kelley

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