SQL Server 2005 Security Login to Windows Group

  • Hi Everyone,

    For efficient user permissions managebility in SQL Server 2005, I wanted to create Windows NT groups and add those groups to SQL Server 2005 then assign required permissions instead of adding individual users to SQL Server 2005 logins. So I created a windows NT group on Windows 2003 enterprise 64 bit and added few windows users to this group then I tried to add this group to SQL Server 2005 Security Login. SQL Server 2005 threw the below error message while adding this group.

    Error Message:

    Create failed for Login 'Servername\groupname'.(Microsoft.SQLserver.smo)

    An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement of batch.(Microsoft.Sqlserver.connectionInfo)

    Windows NT user or group 'Servername\Groupname' not found. Check the name again. microsoft SQL server, error: 15404


    In fact, the user group is created by me ( I hope that I have enough permissions on the server otherwise I couldn't create a group and add some windows uers to that group) but SQL Server 2005 is saying that the user group is not existed. I would really appreciate your help to add successful Windows NT user group to SQL server 2005 security login.




  • Hi,

    If it is a cluster, local groups can not be seen by SQL Server. I tried that. Use the Domain Global group instead.

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • Hi Yelena,

    Thanks for your reply and there is a other way around to fix this issue. We have to give physical node at virtual server name because the SQL server picks up virtual server name when you add user group by GUI but the group is created on Physical node. I have tested this method and working fine.



  • HI

    You can also use the following statement while creating logins

    create login [domain\account] with windows . make sure you add youu account information in '[]'


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