Combining two fields into 1

  • Good day,

    I have a stored proc that returns information pertaining to orders, and this gets run through a report. If the order info has more than 1 hold type (credit hold or direct hold) then the report duplicates the order info for each of these hold types.

    I want to be able to combine these 2 or more hold types into the same row, so instead of there being 2 rows (1 with credit hold and 1 with direct hold) there should be 1 row for the specific item number, with the results being presented like credit hold/direct hold.

    Anybody have any ideas on what i can do?


  • you need to get an idea of how many different hold types there and then use a cross tab structure. Something like

    max(case when hold = 'credit' then hold else '' end)

    max(case when hold = 'Direct' then hold else '' end)

    group by orders[/url]

  • check out


    specifically the Replacing the Outer Cursor code sample.  The code needs a local variable to hold the strings, but you can concatenate the whole list into a single field.

  • Post your table structure with sample data. It is difficult for us to advice you without knowledge of your structure

  • case when MIN(Type) = MAX(Type) then MIN(Type) else Min(type) + '/' + MAX(Type) end

    Code for TallyGenerator

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