what queries are Hyper Threaded and what are not??

  • how could i find this information?


  • you need to look at query plan and look for parallelism operator. I am not able to think of an easy way.


  • so no chance to query this information from

    system tables or other wise?



  • I think you can save the query plan in a trace.  Then save the trace in a table and then search for the operator in question... No idea on how to do that however.  But it's worth searching for.


    Keep us posted please!!

  • there must be a way...

    i want to track Hyper Threaded queries and get see

    those transactions so i know which ones to set the

    MAXDOP hint on.


  • I just gave you a way.  But I have no idea how to execute it as I've never done it.


    You can search for profiler and execution plan as a start.  That should give you some leads...  I can't you much more than that at the moment!

  • i was thinking out loud...

    not really a duplicate question... and figure

    i would mention why i was looking.


  • Alright... just keep us posted.  I'm curious to see how you'll solve this one .

  • question is what exact operator would i be looking for...

    ie; Distribute Streams or Parallelism


  • No idea.  Find a query that uses parallilisn.  Run it and catch the plan with profiler... Then check out the exact word to search for.  I'm sorry I can't help more but I have no multi proc machine around here.

  • is no problem... turns out the Parallelism Operator innitiates

    the Distribute Streams Operator which in turns runs the threads

    (steams) against the various CPU's available.

    still checking this out... i'll post any results.


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