msdb - sysjobs

  • Afternoon,

    I am doing some testing in refreshing a server where the new server will have a different name. I know, I know, it is not my idea!

    Am having problems in running Jobs moved from the old server (all databases were restored on the new server from back ups) and note that the msdb DB->sysjobs table has an attribute called originating_server. This of course records the name of the OLD server, which could be the cause of some of my issues. Is there a a way of changing this to point to the new server? I am very aware of the warnings about changing system tables but wondered if there was an undocumented Stored Procedure or some such?

    The plan is to change the DNS to point to the new serevr, once the migration takes place, in order to avoid changing numerous clients. Perhaps that would solve the problem?



  • Colin,

    Why can't you restore the MSDB database on new server by using -T trace flag.  If you are not sure, then follow the following steps...

    Stop the instance on Old Server, copy the msdb files (msdb.mdf and msdb.ldf) to New Server in some Temp Location.

    Stop the instance on New Server, then move the msdb.mdf and msdb.ldf files to some temp folder and get the older server files in exact location and place there..nothing to confuse here. 

    Just get the msdb files from Old Server and replace it on New server in exact location. And Re-start the Instance on New Server and also re-start the SQL Agent.  Everything comes up.  Just to make sure, Stop the Instance and backup the msdb files before doing this.

    Good Luck-Mubeen


  •     The msdb on the new server is restored from the old machine. The files are in the same directory structure as the old machine as well.

       I am going to back uo the msdb and then change the originating server to the new machine.



  •   Changing the Orginating_server attribute has bought a lot of success and many of my Jobs/DTS Packages are now working. I am now experiencinng problems with Look Up tables in DTS and will start a new thread for this.



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