SQL 2005 Agent Configuration Problems

  • Hello,
    I've got two problems when attempting to set up SQL Server 2005 Agent.  Any help on either of these would be greatly appreciated.
    1.) When I go into properties of SQL Server Agent and then to history.  I check the Automatically remove agent history checkbox and set the time delay, but it doesn't stay checked when I exit and look again.  Does anyone know how to fix this or even better the specific registry key I can change to force it?  I believe it is in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\(Instance)\SQLServerAgent\
    2.) On SQL Server Agent properties in General I have changed the location of the log file so instead of D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\LOG\SQLAGENT.OUT it is E:\SQLLogs\SQLAGENT.OUT  However when I go through Management Studio to view them it says "Unicode File Expected", even though SQL Server is creating the files and automatically rolling them over (I do have Write OEM error log and include execution trace messages checked and am logging Errors, Warnings and Information). 
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Aaron Lowe

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • 1) This sounds a bug. The "Automatically remove agent history checkbox and set the time delay" is not set as an agent property. Check the set agent properties system SP in msdb, it does not have the property:




    INT = NULL, -- 1 or 0

    -- Non-SQLDMO exposed properties


    INT = NULL, -- 1 or 0


    INT = NULL, -- No maximum = -1, otherwise must be > 1


    INT = NULL, -- 1 to @jobhistory_max_rows


    NVARCHAR(255) = NULL, -- Full drive\path\name of errorlog file


    INT = NULL, -- 1 = error, 2 = warning, 4 = information


    NVARCHAR(30) = NULL, -- Network address of error popup recipient


    INT = NULL, -- 1 or 0


    sysname = NULL, -- Alias of local host server


    INT = NULL, -- 5 to 600 seconds


    VARBINARY(64) = NULL, -- CmdExec account information


    INT = NULL, -- obsolete


    sysname = NULL, -- obsolete


    VARBINARY(512) = NULL, -- obsolete


    INT = NULL, -- 5 to 45 (seconds)


    INT = NULL, -- 1 to 100


    INT = NULL, -- 20 to 86400 seconds


    INT = NULL, -- 1 or 0


    INT = NULL, -- not applicable to Yukon server, for backwards compatibility only


    NVARCHAR(64) = NULL, -- Email profile name


    INT = NULL, -- 1 or 0


    INT = NULL, -- 1 or 0


    INT = NULL -- 1 or 0



    Instead, SSMS generates the script

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_purge_jobhistory @oldest_date='a time'

    to purge the log.

    2) If you remove OEM checkbox, you should not have the error. The log file in OEM fomat does not accept unicode.



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