SQL Profiler - Ugh??

  • We have never had to use the above; our applications are largely 3rd party.  SQL Profiler was merely there in the background.

    One of our suppliers has been taken over and their programmers are feeling their way through the minefield.  It could be useful if I can start with the above but BOL says try the web.  No helpful if you don't know what to ask.

    Is there an idiot's guide out there?


    Madame Artois

  • Hello there, I went through the idiot's guide on my own! Basically profiler is a tool to check SQL statements to help performance and tunning. If you open profiler and run it you will see something like windows performance (with messages though) That way you may identify your bottlenecks, etc. You probably do not want to keep profiler running all the time due to the fact that it buids a file with all the information and it really builds up quickly. If you let profiler do a follow up for the whole sql server, ti will be GB in minutes. The good part is that when you close it, unless you save the file, it deletes the file and the space is reclaimed.

    In any event, Is a tool and maybe not to keep it running all the time. You can create a view and then run the view with profiler open. Profiler will tell you almost everythuing including errors (checke raise error column) Hope this first pass at my idiot's guide could help. I took Idiot 101, and idot 102, and some others in order to get a degree in ... Yes, you guessed it, not in SQL Server, but an Idiot's degree!! Good luck, is a very cool tool though!!

  • See if you can find "Start To Finish - A Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring" by K. Brian Kelly (Copyright 2002) from NetImpress Publishing, Inc.

    It's an e-Book and I've used it to learn about SQL Profiler and how best to use it.


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