Lost ForEach File Enumerator in For Each Task

  • I seem to have lost the selection for the ForEach File Enumerator in SSIS on my local box. When I drop the Enumerator combo box on the collections page for a ForEach task the selection for a File Enumerator is no longer there.  Have tried uninstalling and reinstalling SSIS and then re-applied SP1.

    Anyone have any ideas how to get this back????


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Try this and see if it works:

    1. Right clink anywhere in the 'Toolbox' bar and display a context menu.

    2. Select 'Choose Items...' context menu

    3. Select the 'SSIS Control Flow Items' tab. Be patient for the list the be displayed. Check the box next to the item 'Foreach Loop Container'.

  • I have the ForEach Loop container in my toolbox. What I am missing is the file enumerator in that container. I have tried removing the control from the toolbox and then replacing it using the method you outline. But I still have the same problem in that when I put the ForEach loop on the flow design surface I can not select a file enumerator.



  • My apologies for misunderstanding your problem.

    When you said "When I drop the Enumerator combo box on the collections page for a ForEach task", can you explain exactly how you achieve this?

  • First I put a Foreach Loop Container on the Control Flow work surface by opening the toolbox and dragging the icon onto the work surface. Then I double click the control to bring up the Foreach Loop Editor. Then I click on the word "Collection" in the left panel. The in the grid at the top of the right side I then click on the right box on the row that is labeled "Enumerators" on the left side of the grid. This brings up a arrow that if you click opens the select list of a combo box. In my list I only have the following:

    "Foreach ADO Enumerator", "Foreach ADO.Net Schema Row Enumerator", "Foreach From Variable Enumerator", "Foreach NodeList Enumerator", "Foreach SMO Enumerator"

    When I look at another box with SSIS installed I see the above 5 enumerators plus "Foreach File Enumerator" and "Foreach Item Enumerator". At this point is is on the file enumerator that I am needing to get working again.






  • I was more interested in how you managed to remove the File Enumerator from the enumeration list!

    Not sure if this will work, but try closing all running applications, and copy all the contents from the folder 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\DTS\ForEachEnumerators' (assuming that you've selected a default installation of SS2005) from your other box to the one that's not working. Otherwise, check for files that are missing and just copy those. It's possible that the foreachfileenumerator resource file in 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\DTS\ForEachEnumerators\Resources\1033' is corrupt.

  • Wish I knew how I lost the enumerator. It was on my machine and functioning fine. Did some software installing of various things and some service packs. A few days later I went to use the Foreach file and it was no longer there. Not really sure where in the process it disappeared as I was not checking it after each install/change.

    I will try copying the files/directories you suggest and see what happens.




  • It looks more like installation of service packs or other applications that might be causing the problem. A recent post in a microsoft forum describe a similar problem, but its resolution was not precise. Have a read of this link http://support.microsoft.com/kb/913817

    Note that article does not describe your problem, but that the issue might be related to permissions in the registry preventing SSIS from enumerating SSIS components properly, and how to determine whether this is the case.

  • Paul,

    I tried the technique that was laid out in the knowledge base article. I did have a key that had the security issue. It was for a lexmark printer. Changed the permission so that I now get no bad key acording to the test program.

    Unfortunately, it has not solved my lost enumerator problem.




  • Thanks for posting the results of your investigation Tim. At least something was 'fixed'!

    Since you mentioned that the issue arose out of nowhere, the only thing that could have caused it would be installation of related microsoft software, service packs or fixes. Your sysadmin guy should be able to help you track this down. You may need to uninstall some software and reinstall SSIS on your computer. Otherwise, have your computer rebuilt from scratch. Anyone else who might be able to help Tim?

  • I have the same problem...Any solutions yet?



  • I had the same problem... I finally was able to get things working again using:


    regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\DTS\Binn\Microsoft.SqlServer.ForEachFileEnumeratorWrap.dll"


    Hope this helps.



  • I struggled with this exact same issue--it *was* the Lexmark software!!! Once I uninstalled and rebooted, I could see the 7 enumerators instead of only 5.

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