Special Characters in SQL 2005 tables

  • Hi Everyone,

    I load data every day from Sybase to SQL server 2000 and sybase database has some special characters in the database. I never had issues with special characters in reading/storing them SQL 2000 tables .  We recently migrated our database from SQL 2000 to SQL Server 2005 and now SQL 2005 database engine is reading special characters wrong and storing them in different format. I would really appreciate if anyone can through their ideas/suggestions to resolve this issue.


    Thank you


  • In my last place of employment we used both Sybase and SQL Server.  Everything worked well as long as we kept the collation (code page, for us old folks) the same.  In our case, we had them both set to cp_850 case insensitive, accent insensitive.  That's not SQL Server's default set, so if your old SQL Server had a collation that matched your Sybase instance and your new SQL Server was installed using the default, that would explain your different experience with the different versions of SQL Server.

    What are you using to move the data between the two? 

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • Either change character set or use N before posting data into the field. You insert would look like

    insert into Temp (desc) values (N'Test').


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